I Hold That Memory of You (Gadralneure) Wk-8

110 22 42

I hold that memory of you.

You were dressed in gingham

that fluttered in the wind.

Your face was glowing in the setting sun,

while I laughed at jokes I didn't understand.

I hold that memory of you.

I was so young,

so unaware of all the hardship still to come,

and you, world-hardened,

held me in your arms

and told me tales of places you had been.

I hold that memory of you,

worn out and fading,

but eyes still bright and filled with pride,

a sea-bird blown off course

to distant shores by squalls of bitter fate.

Now years have past

and you have long since left my waking life,

to live protected in my dreams,

deep within the hollow of my soul.

You see me through the darkness,

you guide my journey true.

And like a treasure buried deep,

I hold that memory of you.

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