Digital Bonfire (RichardHigley) Wk - 8

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Digital Bonfire

When Orwell wrote his "84",

Few thought it could be true.

Here in this land where "Freedom Rings",

It seems there's much to rue.

This Grand Experiment of ours,

Has weathered many storms.

Where we are now has strayed quite far

From our past social norms.

The lettered agencies of note

Have marred the Founders plan,

With help from pros in politics

More freedoms soon they'll ban.

The platforms that we've come to trust,

Tilt far left, by and large.

Where once opinions could range wide,

A few are now in charge.

So like the book that takes it's name

From paper's flaming point,

I've seen the loss of thoughts opposed,

By those who own the joint.

Now I'm not one to squeak a wheel,

But this one time I must.

If we can't find some middle ground,

Our country's bound for dust.

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