Happy (lyttlejoe) Wk - 8

96 23 50


There is a place that you all know

A place to where I often go

A place where I am not alone

A familiar spot, a comfort zone

A gathering of poetic vultures

From a multitude of cultures

Appreciating all they can

From mingling with their fellow 'man'

And I would like you all to know

That I have been just so . . .

Happy for the folks met here

Happy for another year

Happy for the simple pleasure

Happy spending time at leisure

Happy for meeting so many new

Happy for the points of view

Happy for what I am blessed to see

Happy for such diversity

Happy for the challenges conceived

Happy for support received

Happy for the songs we've sung

Happy for emotions wrung

Happy for the topics dared

Happy for the words we've shared

Happy for the fact we cared

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