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Tonight I shall close my eyes and once again feel the heavenly ambiance.

Hidden celestial magic of olden times.

Engrained in all and one...

Forgotten are those starry dreams.

Overwhelmed by temporal gleams.

Remember! Please, just remember, that pure evanescing delightedness.

Glorious grandeur of hollow happiness.

Obscuring our sensations.

That eternal magic has now been forsaken... unseen and unheard.

Torn apart and forgotten by humanly horde!

Enigmatic elation was when we slept and dreamt beneath the azure sky.

No distractions; for I remember, it was only the cosmos and I.

Swirling orphic galaxies, twirling and dancing, unbothereD.

To the endless melodies of an acoustic guitaR.

Ambers and amethysts, sapphires and rubies, all swaying with an aimless purposE.

Runic gems colliding, shattering and uniting in a cerulean seA.

Relighting the infinite sky in an iridescent leaM.

Yonder welkin; unending and immortal; chaotically beautiful and forever mysteriouS.

Once there was a time, in my childhood, when I used to peek out my window at the wondrous universe.

Far past the darkest hour and beyond the mystical shower, I used to gaze at the magnificent incandescence.

Olden magic existing indiscernibly in plain sighT.

Living imperceptibly in you and I.

Desolate for ages, it has been; an unappreciated soulful balM.

Earnestly let us now vow, to once again be in unity with the entrancing divinE.

Nourishingly cherished; we shall again be cradled, in the empyreal petals of pure serenity and blisS.

Poets Pub 2019 Biggest Competition Ever - Vol TwoWhere stories live. Discover now