Chapter 2: The first battle part 2

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"Alright Munchlax, use flamethrower!" As Kyle yelled his command to his Munchlax jumped into the air and filled his mouth with fire, then he released it into Aron's direction. But joe quickly commanded "Aron, dodge it quickly!" Aron then dashed quickly out of the attacks way then jumps at munchlax's direction. "Now use metal claw!" Unlike munchlax's attack Aron's attack had successfully hits its target. As Munchlax crashed into the ground, Kyle had clenched his teeth together and said "It's ok Munchlax, now use rock tomb!" Then Munchlax raised its armed into then air, then a whitish energy formed into a giant bolder, then it launched it at Aron and successfully hits Aron. As Aron is weeping in pain joe yells "Noo, Aron!" As joe is distracted by the damage Munchlax has done to Aron, Kyle yelled "Now that Aron is free for an attack, now flamethrower again!" Munchlax used its attack again and successfully attacks Aron and faints as well. Joe gives a sad look at Aron and walked up to Aron and said "Don't worry Aron you, did great." After that, he returned his Pokemon into its PokeBall and grabs his next PokeBall and threw it to the battlefield. The PokeBall contained a Sneasel. Kyle then said "Good luck with your Sneasel." Then the battle continued.

"Alright Sneasel, use ice shard!" Sneasel than summons a barrage of ice shards at Munchlax and quickly hits the target. Munchlax then is stunned by some ice and slowly falls into the ground. Joe then yells "Finish this with faint attack!" Sneasel turns a little darker then usual, then strikes Munchlax on the back as it faints. Kyle then returns Munchlax into its PokeBall and says "Thanks Munchlax, get some rest." Then Kyle says "Alright Lamptent, your up!" Then a lamp-like ghost pokemon comes out of the PokeBall. Again as the battle rages on!

"Sneasel, use ice shard again!" Sneasel did what it was told to do as it summons more shards of ice. Kyle quickly yelled " Lamptent, use flamethrower!" As the two Pokemon attacks crashed together the flamethrower was more stronger, so it passed threw the ice shard and directly attacks Sneasel and finally faints. "Looks like I won our very best first battle!" As the two boys returned there Pokemon into there PokeBalls joe said "I may have lost in our first battle, but I'm glad I had a lot of fun with this very battle!" Kyle agreed with his friend and went into Kyle's house to see if dinner was ready. "Your just in time for dinner, dig in!" As Kyle's mom said happily,as the two boys and Kyles family enjoyed their dinner.

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