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After, maybe twenty days of traveling,  they finally arrived at the Port. Theseus, all fresh and ready to start the day, hopped out of the ship while the others lagged behind.

"I'm so tired" Bridget yawned, "Stayed up late reading maps".

"You think that's hard? I haven't slept in a week" Tina murmured, "Mercy Lewis!"

Rio was an enchanting city. Filled with tropical wonder and eccentric vegetation, it was as if they had entered a haven of colors.

"Look, there's a carnival!" An excited Harold pointed at an extravaganza near the docks. There were food, people, exotic drinks and songs were sung.

"I'm starving" Harold continued, "Can we get something to eat?".

"We literally just had breakfast" Bridget said.

"It's fine" Theseus agreed, "At least we'll get to see what Rio is like. Get to know people. Until then, I'll try to find some motels".

"I'll come with you, Mr Scamander" Charles said, in a monotone voice.

"Oh thank you, Thes'!" Harold grinned, "Anyway, my sister was here a few years ago on a visit to Castelbruxo, the Brazilian school of magic and she said that Rio is -- simply amazing!"

"Let's cool down the excitement for a while" Tina told him, giving Newt a slight smirk.

As Theseus and Charles went to search for a good place to spend the next few weeks, Newt, Tina, Bridget and Harold proceeded to the carnival.

"Experimente nossos novos saboresautêntica mordida brasileira!" One of the salesmen held up a platter of different samples of food to Tina. He gave her a smile.

"Uh. . maybe later" Newt appeared before Tina.

"Claro!  Eu vou provar" Harold said, speaking fluently in Portuguese.

"Wait, you know Portuguese?" Bridget asked, as Harold swallowed a sample.

"Of course I do. My sister taught me. It's rather simple to learn" Harold admitted proudly, "Excelente!  Isso é tão esplêndido!"

"Obrigado!" The salesman declared, bowing shortly to the Englishman. Harold acknowledged it and they moved on.

"What did you talk about?" Tina asked.

"Well, he offered me a platter of Brazilian cuisine to sample and it was splendid" Harold shrugged, "Don't worry, you can pick the language up by the time you reach home".

There was a lively party music erupting from a band on stage. People were dancing in pairs, wearing brightly colored clothes. The others were cheering.

"Come on, let's dance!" Bridget said, swaying to the music.

"May I have this dance?" Harold asked her, gently. He had developed a little unknown feelings for her ever since they had met a few months ago.

"Ever the gentleman" Bridget laughed and took his hand and walked to the dance floor.

"D'you want to dance?" Newt asked Tina.

"Do you?" she asked him back.

"I don't know how to dance" he admitted.

"Me neither" she added, "I've never been a big fan of dancing".

"Hey you two!" Bridget cried, "Stop standing there and get out here!".

"Yeah, the weather is super nice for a dance!" Harold said, "After all, life's too short!"

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