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After bidding goodbye to their friends, Newt and Tina boarded the ship that would take them to New York. It was a spontaneous action and since the Minister decided it would be good for a briefing with the President of the Magical Congress, he allowed them.

"It's a pity Queenie and Jacob couldn't come" Newt said, as the duo wandered around looking for their suite.

"Yeah, you know the deal with Queenie" Tina shrugged, "And Jacob would want to stay with her".

"It's been a while we took a break, right?" Newt slipped his hands into his pocket, "All we've been doing is tracking Grindelwald".

"Well I can't use a break. There are still millions of things left to do" Tina said, "We need to protect Dumbledore. Get Harold and Charles from Castelobruxo for extra support, gather an army".

"It's never over" Newt said.

"Exactly. So I can never use a break" Tina smiled, "But I need to go on this trip to talk to Madam President and cool things down with Achilles".

They finally found their suite in a little corner, squashed between two other suites. Several people wearing dark cloaks roamed around. A few waiters went around to take orders.

"Let's drop our stuff and explore the ship" Tina decided.

"Or we could just stay in and read a book" Newt said.

They opened their door to find a large room, with two beds and ample amount of pillows on each bed. There was a small circular window for them to watch the sea and a kitchen counter.

There was also a few newspapers bundled up near the bedside table.

"Look, there's a radio!" Tina pointed to a small wooden box with a dial, with an antenna.

"Isn't this what Muggles use?" Newt asked, bewildered.

"Haven't you opted for Muggle Studies in Hogwarts?" Tina asked.

"Nope. I was expelled before I could learn anything in that class" Newt shrugged, "The professor never explained how things work".

"In Illvermorny we had it mandatory. We need to learn how to blend in with the Muggles, right?" Tina said, "Alright, let me just crank it up".

Tina chose a few different channels, until a song played. She increased the volume a tad bit to let the music echo in the room.

"What's this song?" Newt asked, "I haven't heard of any popular bands lately. Just the Weird Sisters".

". . .I am dreaming Dear of you, day by day
Dreaming when the skies are blue, when they're gray;
When the silvery moonlight gleams, still I wander on in dreams,
In a land of love, it seems, just with you. . . "

"Why is this so sappy?" Tina grumbled as she switched to several other channels, but none of them seemed to work. She switched back to the song, desperate for entertainment.

". . Let me call you "Sweetheart," I'm in love with you.
Let me hear you whisper that you love me too.
Keep the love-light glowing in your eyes so true.
Let me call you "Sweetheart," I'm in love with you. . ."

"I think it's pretty sweet" Newt sat down on his bed, "Whoever composed this must've truly loved someone".

"Yeah, I guess it is kind of sweet" Tina agreed, "Anyway, why don't I get some food for us?".

"I'll help!" Newt brightened up.

"No, it's fine. You stay here and I'll get us something to eat" Tina got up and crossed the room, "I'll be back".

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