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The trio stole into the house and rushed downstairs, as quietly as possible. There weren't anyone in the house other than a bunch of dark wizards and witches, but thankfully they managed to dodge them.

How did they manage to do this? Easy, they disguised themselves. They wore serpent green cloaks, their hair dyed a shade of maroon and Tina, who happened to transfigure a piece of stick into a pair of spectacles.

"Who are you, may I ask?" A tall man, with red hair approached them.

"Vinda sent us" Theseus retorted, "She wants  us to fetch something from the basement".

"Alright" the redheaded man shrugged, not complaining. Maybe they were too tired to notice or maybe they had given up. Or maybe their minds were at something else.

Slowly, they walked downstairs, again to find themselves face to face with a large wooden door and a portrait of a knight.

"Password?" he almost whispered.

"There's a password?" Tina hissed.

"Password?" the knight repeated.

They debated for a bit while to decide what the password could be.

"Try Grindelwald" Theseus prompted Newt.

The younger Scamander brother took a step forward and muttered the Dark Wizard's name.

"Wrong password" the knight said, slowly pulling out his sword as if he was going to attack them.


"Wrong password".

"Deathly Hallows?"

"Wrong password".


"Wrong password".

After multiple tries, the knight had quite given up. He got up from his usual sitting position and pointed his sword at them.

"You shall not enter" he growled.

"Please, uh, Grindelwald sent us!" Tina tried talking to the portrait.

"It wouldn't work, Tina" Newt placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, "They cannot entertain personal requests".

"Tina?" a voice behind them echoed through the dark.

"Oh Merlin's Beard, no" Theseus pulled out his wand. Newt did the same. Both the Scamander brothers stood before Tina, their wands aimed to attack.

"Tina?" the voice repeated. A kind and gentle voice.

"Who are you?" Tina felt a bit brave. It wasn't Grindelwald or Rosier. It was someone else.

"Funny you should ask that, my beloved sister" the woman came to view. She was wearing the same fluffy pink dress, the same one the night when they went looking for Dougal the Demiguise.

"Queenie" Tina spat.

"Tina" Queenie walked down the stairs, "Newt. Theseus".

"Get away from her!" Newt cried, desperately, "You filthy. . "

"Newt. . stop" Queenie said, softly, enough to send shivers down his spine, "I'm not here to hurt anyone".

"Tell that after you sent a werewolf against us!" Theseus said, "If you want to get to Tina, you'll have to fight us".

"It wasn't a choice, Theseus" Queenie said, worriedly, "There's been bigger things going on. I can't afford to lose. . .  "

"What do you mean?" Tina asked.

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