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Newt was thrown into a damp cell, along with his friends. Abernathy made sure they had taken very less food and were chained up. The security was tightened in the prison so that there ain't any "accomplices" who'd get them out of there.

"Just hold on, Porpentina" Holgers had come to know of Tina's name and assured her.

Newt glanced at Holgers and looked crestfallen. Luckily Ella hurried with a plate of something.

"Here" she entered the cell, "Food".

"Oh boy" Newt's mouth watered.

"C'mon, it's just bread and butter" Ella shrugged, "I tried to steal it without Abernathy knowing".

"That's some serious crime, Ella" Holgers said, "Care to pass a slice? I'll feed these guys".

"Y'know" Ella said, without anyone hearing her, except for Newt, "I was wrong about you".


"Vinda told me that you were nothing but a dirty cheating loathsome liar playing games for Dumbledore, but you're quite alright, y'know?" Ella said.

"I am?"

"Yeah" Ella giggled like a schoolgirl, "You're probably the first prisoner that I'm fond of".

"You're f-fond of me?" Newt asked.

"As a prisoner-captor fondness. Not as a. . something else" Ella merely shrugged. Newt noticed there was something more that.

"Alright, numbskulls" Abernathy made a dramatic entrance followed by two men, "Meet our Lord".

Grindelwald stared at his prisoners before breaking into a chuckle, "Oh, my, never would've thought such heroes would fall prey to a trap".

"It's a comprehensive trap carefully thought and planned ahead, Mr Grindelwald" Abernathy said, smugly.

"Good, good" Grindelwald sighed, "While you are busy wallowing in your sorrows, meet Aurelius".

Credence came in to the prison. His unruly hair was combed back neatly. He wore a dark serpent green cloak, just like everyone else and held a wand.

"Aurelius" Credence repeated.

Tina suddenly felt a bolt of energy and got up, despite her leg being chained to a metallic ball, "Credence! Don't listen to him! You aren't Aurelius! You aren't Dumbledore's brother! You are just. . you!"

"Too late" Credence pulled out his wand and pointed at Tina, "Crucio!"

Tina felt a billion electric bolts careening into her body and made her crumple up like a tortured spider. She sat down, her eyeballs feeling hot and her ears turned red.

"Well done, my boy" Gellert appreciated, "You're learning fast".

"Don't!" It was Newt's time to stand up, "Don't listen to him! You're Credence and not some Grindelwald's pet! Nagini would hate to see you like this!"

"Who's Nagini?" Credence took a step closer, "Crucio!"

"Aagh!" Newt fell down, him being tortured by a misled kid, "C-c-credence".

"I'm not Credence. I'm Aurelius" Credence stated boldly.

"I know that Albus destroyed the silly blood pact, hoping to defeat me" Gellert paced, "But he hasn't seen my army at all. He's hoping to defeat me with his little fedora and cloak and his pathetic little wand!"

"How dare you insult the most important and powerful wizard in the world?" Fontaine yelled.

"Oh, Fontaine. You could've chosen to be on our side and lived. Now?" Grindelwald pulled out his wand.

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