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"Tina, that's dangerous!" Newt commented when Tina talked to him about her plans on learning Necromancy.

"It's for Theseus, Newt! Wouldn't you do that for your own brother?"

"I know you feel guilty. . "

"It is my fault!" Tina admitted, "If I hadn't let Queenie escape my sight, we could have all saved Leta from a terrible fate!"

"Leta had to go! She had to go" Newt said, solemnly, "She hid a terrible secret".

"Newt, haven't you noticed your brother? He's been broken!" Tina screamed.

"I did! And he'll come around soon!" Newt yelled too, "He'll come back to himself!"

"I don't want to resurrect Leta. I want to bring her, just for a few moments" Tina said, "I've never gotten to know her and I just want. . "

"Necromancy is complex and you are not learning it. You could die!"

"So what?"

"You think I don't care about you?"

"I don't want you to care so much about me! It's my job!"

"Your job is being an Auror and not killing yourself by learning dark magic! You promised Dumbledore!"

"I didn't!"

"Then you lied straight to his face!"

"Don't tell me what to do, Newt!"

"Leta is dead and she can never come back, you got that? Theseus will come around. Hes the toughest man I know!"

"Did you see him at the picnic? He was awful. I wanted him to talk to Leta, at least. . "

"No spell can do that!"

"Well there could be something!"

"Then I'll come with you!"

"No! You're better off here!"

"I'm coming with you" Newt sighed, "You're relentless and hard to convince. So be it. But I'm not letting you practice dark magic unless you allow me to come".

"Fine" Tina gave in after hesitation, "Now just leave me alone!"

Before Tina could get up and leave, Jacob snuck into their room and closed the door.

"What is the matter with you, Jacob?" Tina scowled.

"Hey, look, guys, I'm nervous" Jacob had his hands in his pocket, as if he was fiddling something.

"What now?" Newt said.

"I'm planning to ask Queenie. . . "

"For a date?" Tina guessed.

". . .to marry me" Jacob finished his incomplete sentence, looking sullen.

"Jacob, that's great! Aw, she'll love it!" Newt clapped, "You have my approval, if. . . you awaited for it".

"Thanks!" Jacob broke into a cheery smile, "You, Tina?"

Tina hesitated before grinning, "Sure, you have the official permission from her sister and my blessings".

"D'you think I should just ask her out to dinner and then bring it up? Or should I just take her somewhere and ask her away?" Jacob said.

"Take her to Central Park. It's a good place where a lot of people had successful proposals. It's calm and quiet and you can just ask her out for a nice walk" Tina insisted.

"Yeah, that's good, thanks Tina".

"Hey!" Newt stopped him, "Show us the. . . ring".

Jacob chuckled as he opened the velvet box from his pocket. Inside was a simple diamond ring, studded with glittered ornaments around the diamond.

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