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A few days passed with Grindelwald slowly gaining followers. Nobody knew where the others were. Newt and Tina were in Ajuda Mágica, for a few weeks, the only magical hospital in all of South America. Theseus, Charles and Harold were in Castelobruxo, trying to restore order in the school. Nagini and Yusuf Kama were nowhere to be seen. Jacob was in Rio, looking for Queenie.

Everyone were scattered. If only there was a force to pull them together.

Tina was finally discharged after a few days. She was in the pink of the health, all fit and ready to go to war. Newt finally received a letter from Bunty, which was rather enigmatic. 


I hope you're okay. Can't talk much. Mails being checked. Expect a visitor.


Expect a visitor? Who was it? Newt tried to contact Nicolas Flamel and check whether the eccentric alchemist is planning of helping them. But no matter how hard he wrote in code, he knew that the letter would never reach Flamel. Due to the fact that Grindelwald was in control of the owl post.

He could only use the Two Way Mirror, which was with Theseus.

"What are you mulling about?" Tina asked. They were staying in a Muggle inn.

"Nothing, just about. . how one day we'll all die and there's absolutely nothing we can do about it" Newt grimaced.

"I think about it everyday" Tina sat down next to him, "But I hope things will become better. That's all".

"Hope?" Newt's voice turned bitter. Tina knew that she had hit a nerve. There's got to be a way to make things seem fine.

"Dumbledore is coming to Rio, you know. You told me so" Tina said.

"But there's only little that he can do. He can't fight him. He'll die if he breaks the pact" Newt said, "It has got to be us. And if we ever get involved in a war, trust me, we're going to lose so many good people".

"Let's not get into war. Is there another way we can resolve this?" Tina asked, "All Grindelwald wants is power. If we manage to find him an authoritative position, we might be able to expect some morality from him".

"It's an idea, all right" Newt commented, "But it's all about Dumbledore".

"Do we know the truth?"

"I wish" Newt hoped, "But he keeps changing it. One time he told me that he made the blood pact after Grindelwald, his brother and him dueled which resulted in his sister's death and the other time he told me that he was on the verge of breaking apart from Grindelwald, but Grindelwald forced him into making the pact".

"He's never honest" Tina said.

"No!" Newt snapped, "Dumbledore has a specific reason as to why he doesn't want us to know why he made the blood pact in the first place! Don't call him dishonest!"

Tina blinked.

"Oh, I'm so sorry Tina. I should've never taken it out on you" Newt apologized profusely, "I should've never done this".

"It's okay" Tina assured him, "It's a peculiar problem and we're all part of it".

"It also gave me some time to think" Newt confessed, "What will you do after this ends?"

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