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That night, Tina dreamt. Only her dream was something that happened a long time ago, in a little corner of Illvermorny.

"Queenie, aren't you like . . an orphan?"

Queenie Goldstein turned to face a student, who was curious about her. She was blonde and wore a long royal blue cloak as opposed to Illvermorny's uniform.

"I guess" Queenie said.

"I mean, I've heard that orphans think differently and they're troubled by their past" the girl hardly felt sorry, "And I was wondering if you're going to be that way, in Pukwudgie".

"I won't" Queenie answered.

"How do you feel?" The girl sat next to her, "Losing your parents to dragon pox? I feel extremely sorry, but like, I bet that's the natural order of things, eh?"


"Some fabulous people like me are affected the most. Seeing sadness in orphans makes my life sad. Why don't you stay away from me?" The girl said.

"Why are you talking to me, then?" Queenie hit back.

"Leave her alone" a commanding voice ordered.

Both the girls turned to face the elder Goldstein sister, armed with her wand.

"Oh, Tina" the girl said, "I'm Agatha".

"Get out of my sister's way or I'll kill you" Tina said.

"Woah, orphans. . you guys are. . "

"Just because we're orphans, that doesn't mean that you can treat us differently! We are people too! People who've lost others" Tina's voice turned serious, "I bet you'll cry your lungs out if you're an orphan!".

"Jeez, I wish to share the same burden" Agatha said, sarcastically.

"Just. . get out of here! Leave my sister alone!" Tina snapped, "You're just jealous that my sister's got angelic looks and you'd have to use that darned cosmetic stuff to look like that!"

"You're never going to get loved if you act that way" Agatha left.

Queenie stood up and hugged her sister. Being a new kid at Illvermorny and not experienced the natural school instances made her feel insecure.

"Is this what bullying feels like?" Queenie said.

"I'll kill her if she picks on you again" Tina said, "Believe me, I'm ready to go to prison. But I'll at least know that you're safe".

"Teenie, you're the best" Queenie said.

"Don't you ever doubt your abilities" Tina reminded Queenie of one of her mother's inspirational quotes, "We'll get through this, I promise".

Meanwhile Theseus had a hard time contemplating what Tina had said a few hours ago about what might happen if he and Newt had a strife.

But then, there was one memory that kept him going. One memory that told him, "Fight for him, Theseus!"

Newt was hopeless. He sat near the banks of the river, feeding bits of food to the Giant Squid in the lake.

Everything seemed shattered. Leta left him. Newt was expelled. There was only so much Albus Dumbledore could do and thereby, he was allowed to keep his wand .

"Hey, Newt" a voice said. Newt turned to look at his brother.

Theseus was twenty five that time. He was recruited into the Ministry of Magic, right after the completion of his training.

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