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Jacob was dressed in a suitable attire, most appropriate for a wedding. Of course not, he wasn't getting married. He had just received an invitation.

As Jacob went to the wedding, he noticed a pack of familiar faces. Newt and Tina were married for a few months now and moved to Dorset. Theseus was engaged to Valerie, another Auror and Nagini and Credence were courting.

Everyone found love. Except for him.

As he saw the bride walk down the aisle, arm in arm with her sister, he couldn't think of anything except her.

The one woman who enchanted him to the Moon and back. Queenie.

She was marrying Abernathy.

After their exchange of vows and wedding rings, there came a sentence which shook Jacob to the roots. "I pronounce you as husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride".

And Jacob saw, to his horror, Queenie kissing another pair of lips. Once walked into his life and completely changed it and now, he was back.

Jacob woke up with a start. He calmed himself down by assuring his brain that Queenie wasn't married and definitely not Abernathy.

"Nagini?" he yelled.

There was no answer.

Jacob yawned and put on his socks. Then he trotted downstairs, still shaken by the dream and saw a note taped to the cupboard.


I'm leaving to find where Credence is. I'm going to Rio with Kama. Take care of yourself and the creatures.


"What in the world. . ?" Jacob tore the note from the door of the cupboard. He peered at it, examining it with utmost precision.

No, not now. Nagini was the only person he had. Now she's gone. What was he supposed to do in London? Start a bakery? He's merely a Muggle who isn't supposed to be involved in magical activities.

But he spent a lot of time with his wizard friends. He never compromised. He was the best friend a person could have.

"Mr Kowalski?" Bunty came in. She had a copy of the house keys and came in to feed the creatures.

"Bunty, I have to leave" Jacob said, immediately.

"Leave? Where?" Bunty asked.

"To South America. I'll be back with Queenie" he handed her the suitcase, "Take care of the house and the creatures. I'll send letters".

"Mr Kowalski, it's dangerous for a Muggle to wander around with Grindelwald on the prowl. You don't want to do it" Bunty warned.

"I'm fine. I want to go and get Queenie back. It's been a month, Bunty! All I've heard from Newt and Tina are some handful of postcards and souvenirs. They never tell me anything!" Jacob shouted, "I'm leaving now. If I manage to catch a boat, I can reach Rio in two weeks".

"Mr Kowalski--"

"Sorry Bunty. Have to go".

It was a dark night in Castelobruxo. Newt and Tina were staying overnight and maybe for a couple of days until they get their information.

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