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Newt and Tina returned back to the apartment to stay there for a few days. Achilles and Linda had already made their way to Scotland for their honeymoon.

"Okay, I need to meet up with MACUSA this evening" Tina told her plans.

"Sure, you can. I'll be. . "

". . .on your own for dinner, I'm sorry" Tina understood him, "But maybe if I can sneak in something from the cafeteria? There's literally nothing here apart from cold beans and bread".

"I can go grocery shopping then" Newt said, "I can manage Tina".

Tina kissed his cheek, "I'm sorry".

"It's not your fault" Newt said, "I can handle it". He ruffled her hair playfully.

A single tear escaped from Tina's eyes, but she restrained it. However Newt, being a keen observer, noticed it in a flash.

"Tina, are you alright?" Newt asked, "You seem pretty upset".

"No, Newt. . it's just" Tina didn't know how to get it out of her chest, "It's hard. Very hard".

"I understand" Newt pulled her closer.

"No, Newt, you don't" Tina snapped sharply, "I'm sorry, it's just these memories of Ma and Pa just come and haunt me everytime. I can't survive in New York. Not anymore".

"Tina. . you should've told me sooner" Newt implored, "I could've helped. Chamomile tea?"

Tina jerked away from him, "I have a problem and you bring up tea?".

"Nothing tea can't solve" Newt shrugged, "It's what Mum does whenever someone's upset".

"I hope your Mum's all right" Tina sniffed.

"I hardly ever see her" Newt said, "She. . . isn't around much".

"I'm sorry" Tina placed a caring hand on his shoulder.

"She, ah. . . is quite in trauma" Newt said, "She lives in a quiet place because. . . she couldn't get over my dad's. . "

". . I see" Tina said, hesitantly.

"My dad was brutally killed in a battle a few years ago" Newt said, "Ever since then, she was in disbelief. She moved away from London to wallow in her sorrows".

"What did she say. . when you dedicated your book to her?" Tina asked, quietly.

"She never read it" Newt heaved a sigh of pain, "She used to be a cheerful woman. Now she isn't. . "

"I'm so sorry, Newt. If I had learnt about this earlier, I would've. ." Tina started but Newt placed a finger on her lips.

"Ssh" he said, "It's over now. I don't see her".

"Isn't she worried about you? Don't you want to talk to her sometimes?"

"I did talk to her after Paris and she was still in trauma even after five years. We've tried everything"

"We've all lost people. . " Tina murmured, "If only there could be something. . that helps us".

"Yeah" Newt agreed, "But. . . the dead shall remain the same, until an external force brings them".

"External force. . " Tina whispered, "That's it!"

Tina clamored around producing a chair from the dining table. She stepped on it and pulled herself up. She punched open a wooden door latched on the ceiling and coughed.

"You have an attic? How come I've never noticed it?" Newt wondered, "Tina! Where are you going?".

"Come up!" Tina said, "Let me get a ladder - oof! Damn you --" Tina let out a string of cuss words as she pulled down the ladder. It was made of rope and wasn't as sturdy they expected it to be.

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