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That night before the big mission, Newt had a nightmare to whack him out of his senses.

It was a beautiful day, snowy and wintery, right around a cold January morning. Perfect for cheerfulness and a wedding.

Newt was invited to Tina's wedding. He finished putting on his tie when he went to greet the groom.

"Good day, Mr Achilles" Newt smiled, hiding the broken heart.

"Oh, hello, Scamander" Achilles replied, smugly, "I absolutely love that you had the time to come to our wedding".

"Yes, anything for my. . friends" Newt murmured.

"You should meet Tina, y'know?" Achilles suggested, "Since you two are platonically close".

"Yes, she's very . . much my friend" Newt said, the words hurting him so much as he spoke.

"I'm really happy to have her as my wife. She's the bravest person in the world!" Achilles exclaimed, "And she looks amazing!"

"You don't necessarily marry a person just because of their outlooks" Newt snapped, "What is she afraid of, huh? What drives her nuts? What makes her feel satisfied?"

"I dunno, but I guess it's caffeine. That woman goes nuts for coffee" Achilles joked. His friends screamed out with laughter.

"As I said. You're too judgemental" Newt said.

"I'm sorry, but is it your wedding?" Achilles lowered his voice to keep their conversation secluded, "Tina chose me, you idiot".

Newt didn't know how to come up with a response, "I know her better than anyone else".

"I see. And you must be the crazy weirdo with the magical creatures! Didn't you plagiarize other books and pass it off as your own work?" Achilles played extremely unfair.

"Treat her fairly" Newt requested him, "You're obviously full of yourself".

Soon, the wedding began. Newt took his seat near the far end and saw Tina make her gorgeous arrival in the church. She was wearing a white gown, courtesy of Queenie, who was linking arms with Jacob.

The Minister began to read a list of things that a relationship must have and proceeded to declare the union of Achilles Tolliver and Porpentina Goldstein after the exchange of vows.

Suddenly Newt felt a compelling urge to be the man in place of Achilles. He hid the urge, clapped for them as they kissed and walked off, without meeting Tina.

He respected her and he came to her wedding and never talked to her. How stupid of him.

It hurt so badly, that the woman he loved so much wasn't there with him. Wouldn't be there to go on adventures with him. Wouldn't be there to help him get though life.

He would die away, alone in the bitter cold. Without her.

Newt woke up with a start, gasping for air. He massaged his head as he checked the time.

It was three in the morning. Newt decided to wake up anyways and review his packed things, still thinking about the dream.

Did he want to spend a life with Tina? Would Tina even want to be with him? His head filled with thousands of questions which were impossible to answer.

He didn't know why, but these wedding dreams were reoccurring almost every time. Whenever he hears Tina talk about Achilles, he feels an invisible knife pierce his heart, reminding him how much she missed the dashing Auror.

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