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Skiler's POV

I was walking down a corridor, coming back from the library on friday night.

It was almost midnight as I yawned and rubbed one of my eyes slightly, trying to wipe the sleep away a little.

With a deep breath, I shifted the books in my hands to carry them easier as I walked.

Just a few more steps and I'd be at the portrait door to the Ravenclaw common room. 

I smiled a little, excited to get to read my new finds.

I wasn't as excessive as some ravenclaws, needing to know everything about everything.

I tended to lean towards uncommon knowledge. Stuff that others just wouldn't know but would come in really handy in many situations.

Some might call it useless information, but I liked it.

Especially if it had to do with folklore or mystical things. It just screamed my name. 

I yelped slightly when I tripped over something, my hands and knees making hard contact with the floor. I cringed and let out a soft groan.

My books lay scattered in front of me and among them, a pair of feet.

I frowned a little and slowly looked up, sitting on my knees. I raised an eyebrow when I saw a slytherin in front of me.

A pureblood. 

Before I could speak, someone else was grabbing me from behind. I attempted to yell out for help, but a hand was clamped over my mouth and I was yanked up by my hair.

Tears pricked my eyes and my breathing got fast as I tried to deduce what was going on.

The first slytherin chuckled and I shook with fear. He was much bigger than me. A returning 7th year, making this his 8th.

I was a 7th.

The second drug me around the corner into the boys lavatory.

I yelped again as I was tossed to the floor. I scrambled onto my back so I could see them and swallowed hard feeling the lump in my throat.

"W-what-" I was cut off with a harsh  slap to my cheek and a sob was drawn from my throat. "Shut up. Make any more noise and you'll get much worse" 

He was right in my face and yanked my hair back again, forcing me to look up at the other boy.

I let out another sob, my body was shaking hard and I dreaded moving even a little as he walked closer.

My cheek stung as he put his hand on it. I sucked in a breath and he chuckled "shame that a pretty one like you has to be a mudblood." He pushed me down then stepped back. 

The next few minutes were not quite clear as all I felt was searing pain in almost every part of my body as punches, kicks, and slaps were brutally delivered.

I sobbed out and cried out in pain, continuously trying to get away from both of them.

I was pushed onto my stomach and a knee was pushed into my back. I groaned and tried to get up. 

"Stay still, mudblood." He spat in my face and I gasped as tears streamed down my cheeks.

Everything was on fire and I could barely see through my tears.

I saw his fist but had no time to think before I felt it make contact with my face.

I coughed up blood and the red color stained my lips and the floor below me. I began to panic, but my body was already worn out and I couldn't move. 

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