If nothing else

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Skylar new Draco was different. From the moment she first stepped foot on Hogworts grounds and saw him laughing as he and his friends teased Harry Ron and Hermione.

She knew his life was different because of the money and wealth. He had more then most and knew it to.

But something esle she knew, was that Draco was sort of like snow; Its cold and sometimes unwanted, although its beautiful and you seem to miss it when its gone, but if you hold it in your hands and close to your heart. It changes.

It melts.

Sky had held Draco close, even when she didn't know it. Her kindness and unwavering happiness, even when Draco chose to pick on her for whatever his childish reason, started to melt him before he even knew it.

Both of them contributed to each others lives, making ripples that were just now showing up.

After the war, so many things changed. For Draco, it was a view of his whole world.

His whole life he'd been just trying to live up to his father's expectations. These untealistic ideals from a scared man, working under the foul fingers of a crazy wizard.

He realized things that had been nagging at his brain, but before he'd just push them back, keeping them at bay.

Now, when he looks at Sky, he sees the person that saved him. He sees an amazingly talented and loving women.

He sees love and a promise for a future.

But his darkness took hold for the longest time. Poking and tearing at him, till finally, his doubts and anxiety let it into his heart.

Now, he sat with tear stained cheeks and Skylar's hand in his as she laid unconscious on the bed.

Coming back to reality had been easy for him. It was his body. His mind. For Skylar, it was different.

It took everything in her to pull Draco out of his own twisted hold. To show him who he had become. Who he was going to be.

She knew she wouldn't wake as easily, but to her, it was worth it.

For Draco, it was painful. Having to sit and wait. Sure, his welcome back had been awaited. Molly asked a million questions about how he felt and what he needed.

It made his head spin, but he appreciated it and glady accepted her hug, but when he looked at Sky, her face was pale and she lay still and asleep.

Rushing to ask someone to do something, Molly stated they just had to wait. She had to pull herself out. Doing it with magic could be dangerous to Skylar's mind.

Draco wasn't about to leave her though. She risked everything to support him. She risked the anger of others so that he could be with him.

She believed in him when no one else would and helped him get out of the iron grip of his past and the hate that it clouded over him.

So he wasn't about to give up on her. Not now. Not ever. He loved her. If nothing else, that he knew for certian.

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