Forbidden Forest

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My chest hurt and my lungs burned. My legs were shaky and weak as I finally slowed to a stop.

I was at the edge of the forbidden forest right near Hagrids house.

Taking in my options, I wondered if I should just go to him, but I shook my head. I just wanted to be alone and have some time to think.  

I took a deep breath and marked the place I entered before continuing to walk into the woods.

Tears streamed down my cheeks now as I let my sobs out. I knew no one was around to hear them and really, I couldn't care less at this point.

I just cried. 

The wind had begun to blow harder and I knew that the sun would be setting any minute now, but by the time I had decided I needed to head back, I was lost.

I hugged Draco's cloak tighter around me and as my adrenalin soothed away, I remembered how shaky and sore I was.

My steps wavered and I could barely put one foot in front of the other. 

Finally, falling to my knees, blurry spots came back to my vision.

I sobbed harder, just wishing that as mad as I was at him, Draco was here to help me find my way back.

I was starting to get scared and more shaky as it got colder and darker. I leaned back against a tree just hoping if I stayed put, it would be better then getting further lost. 

The noises around me didn't help much and the wind blowing I swear sounded like screams sometimes.

I hugged myself trying to just stay calm, softly cursing myself at how stupid I was.

How could I have trusted him so easily? But still, I should have just gone back inside. This was more stupid. 

I felt my body temperature go down with every passing minute, but I just focused on keeping my eyes open.

I was curled up now with Draco's cloak covering almost everything except my eyes and half my nose, but even with that, I knew I wouldn't last the night.

How could I have been so stupid? I never should've come into the woods. 

My eyes grew more heavy and I had to focus to stay awake, but the heaviness and stress of my reality weighed down to hard and I couldn't keep my eyes open.

As they slid closed, I thought I heard my name. Too tired and cold to say or do anything, I just laid there, hoping I wasn't dreaming and that someone was there. 

I tried to listen while ignoring the sounds of animals and anything else that might be lurking in these woods.

My ears were numb. I could feel them tingling as I hugged myself tighter, barely able to do even that as I shivered against the cold. 

I heard footsteps and the crisp crunch of the autumn leaves on the ground. No doubt it was more than one set of feet.

I forced myself to use my last bit of energy to let out a soft yelp. It formed some words. But what, I wasn't sure. Either way I had done what I could. 

My hopes of a rescue were coming true as I felt arms curl around me as I was lifted off the frozen ground.

I felt more layers being wrapped around me as I finally slipped into unconsciousness just praying that it was someone from Hogwarts that found me and not some beast that will surely eat me before I wake up. 

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