Draco Weasley

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Gasps where heard from everyone as Draco hugged Sky. She was pale and looked a little fogged, but she was awake.

It took her a moment before she hugged Draco back and tucked her face into his neck. Tears ran down Draco's cheek as he breathed out in relief. "You're okay...youre awake and youre okay."

Sky nodded, her own tears falling now. They stayed like this just revealing in this moment of being in each others arms and warmth.

They only moved when Molly insisted on checking on Sky. Draco helped her sit down and just smiled. "Do you um...do you remember anything? From my dream?"

He sat by her side genlty rubbing her back as Molly checked her out, making sure she really was okay and sending Hermione for some Tea.

After confirming she was fine at least physically, Molly stepped back to let the two talk.

Sky breathed in deeply and let it out slowly. "Um...not really...I remember you, but it wasn't you...and I remember finding you. The real you."

She sighed a little and looked at Draco "And...I guess I helped you come back."

Draco nodded. "You did, Sky...you helped me fight the bad that had been taking over me. I thought I was lost to myself but you helped me see who I am."

Sky smiled and Draco continued. "You did help me back. You helped the real me back. The me you helped me to be, Sky."

He put his hand on her cheek, happy tears welling up in his eyes. Sky's own tears appeared again and she moved her own hand to his cheek and with no hesitation pulled him down into a kiss.

A deep kiss that seemed to confirm thier rich feelings for the other. Nothing could take this away from them. Not again.

Hermione walked in with tea and just smiled, setting it down before leaving to give them privacy.

She stopped in the doorway and took a look back, quickly giving a small nod reassuring herself that they were gonna be just fine. That no matter what happened they would be there for each other.

And she'd be there to support them.

Even if Draco was hated before she could see him now the way Sky could. At least a little.

The rest of the family was coming to see this to. Molly loved it. Sky was happy. Ginny was more then excited.

Although the boys could care less about such things they were still happy for them.

Both of them deserved this happiness.

It was long awaited and it was finally here. The Weasley family had gained another son and Draco Weasley did have a ring to it.

Not that Draco minded either way. He had a new family. A good family.

As they pulled apart they both laughed, just happy to be with the other.

Draco tucked hair behind Sky's ear "Merry Christmas, Sky. You've given me the best present. I couldn't have asked for anything better. I couldn't have hoped for more, not even in my wildest dreams."

Sky smiled more, her cheeks a bright red. "Oh, Draco...Merry Christmas. This is the best holiday I've ever had. Definitely the most exciting." They both laugh and Draco kissed her again.

They knew they'd be okay. No matter what the universe threw at them they'd make it through. Cause they had each other. And they had love. That was all they needed.

Hell, let the universe try to split them up. Even if it did work, it had Molly Weasley to go through if nothing else. And she'd say. "Bring it on!"
Okay I know this needs work. Majorly lol. Ill be going through and polishing some chapters soon.
I know it's taken FOREVER for me to update so i wanted to give you something. Either way i hope you enjoy and thanks so much for reading my stuff.
Keep being a lovely Potterhead.
From, a Ravenclaw.

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