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Sorry its short but its December and lifes crazy. Probably wont add another chapter till January. But hope you enjoy this little fun piece


Skylar was up early, excited to help Molly with Christmas Eve breakfest.

Ginny was with them too and the three of them, mainly Skylar and Ginny, were laughing and making a mess everywhere with the flour and suger.

Molly just smiled at them, deciding to scold them later when they'd have to clean up. For now, she let them have their fun.

Skylar laughed happily, not having been this genuinely happy in years. This year was turning out so much different then she thought and definitely in a good way.

Ginny whipped some batter on her nose, making them both laugh more as Skylar did the same to her in return.

Both of them were unaware of Hermione's presence as she watched them from the doorway.

Molly noticed her and smiled softly. "Come out of the doorway sweety and come help. We are most definitely having fun in here. Come join in."

Hermione bit her lip as Skylar and Ginny turned to look at her. Ginny kept her smile  though it wasn't quite as big as before and Skylar sucked in a sharp breath.

Hermione shook her head. "No it's okay. I'm just gonna head outside and see what the boys are up to." She turned to leave, but Skylar stopped her.

"Wait...mione, please stay. It's Christmas Eve and I for one want to cover my best friend in flour." Hermione started to smile then raised an eyebrow. "Wait, you what?"

Her answer was a bowl of flour dumped on her head as Ginny and Skylar laughed more.

Molly gapped at the mess, but she just laughed too and muttered a "girls" under her breath.

Hermione stood stunned for a moment then, after wipping the white powder from her face, started to laugh as well.

The three girls began to laugh together and Hermione grabbed Skylar's hand. "Sky, I'm sorry about how I've been acting...I guess when it comes to the Malfoy's, i have some trust issues."

Skylar hugged her. "I understand Mione. Completely. Im not asking you to trust him immediately. Just me."

Hermione hugged back and nodded. "I think I can do that, but can you get away from me fast enough?"

Skylar scrunched her nose in confusion. "Huh?" Ginny gasped gleefully when Hermione popped an egg on Skylar's head, making the runny insides slide down her hair.

Skylar gasped and squealed. "Eww! Mione, oh that's so gross!"

They laighed again at each other and Molly only hoped she'd have enough ingredients to actually make some breakfest.

She loves the girls so much and had to admit she'd rather have it this way then have sad upset girls with no christmas spirit.

She smiled at them and laughed along, handing them all some towels and sending them to wash up.

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