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When I woke up again I was still in a bed, but this time the bed in my room.

I felt more relaxed now and took a deep breath, slowly moving my arms. They were sore and I groaned.

Luna was at my side in a second. "Lay still ski, you still need lots of rest. Can I get you anything? You know drazel root is really good for getting strength back. I can make it into a tea if you'd like." She smiled kindly.

I thought for a moment then nodded. 

That actually sounded pretty good and I trusted luna. She rushed off to make it as I looked around.

I was a little startled to see the room was empty. I wasn't sure what time it was, maybe everyone was just in class.

I tried to relax again and just cuddled under the blankets. Someone must have turned on a heater because it felt so nice and warm. 

I had just closed my eyes again when I heard someone walk in.

Hermione walked over and I saw her expression change from surprise to worried then to angry.

"Oh, ski, I wish I could've been there to help. If it makes you feel any better the whole school including some slytherins and even Snape are mad at those boys. Snape wanted them to never be able to step foot on Hogwarts grounds again"

I looked at her a moment, surprised and confused. 

It actually did make me feel a little better knowing that even Snape stood up for me though.

Hermione smiled. "I get to stay in the Ravenclaw room to help you with studies and such. Luna will be helping a lot as well, but for now I know you just need rest."

I nod again and smile at her. "T-thanks." My voice sounded a little better, but my throat was still scratchy and sore.

Hermione nodded. "Yeah, um there is just one problem...um for history, I'm already tutoring Ron...and unfortunately I can only do one student per class and luna isn't high enough level to tutor in that class."

I frowned, not sure what she was getting at. "I...wont have help?" She shook her head. "No, you will...Draco." She said his name heavily and looked at me sorrowfully. 

I take a deep breath, but nodded. "If he's willing to help...I need it...dont worry mione...he won't be a problem"

I assured her and she grabbed my hand, nodding slowly. I gave her a small smile and she returned it.

I was screaming on the inside though.

Draco helping me...why? His classmates did this to me...what does he want?

But I didn't want to worry Hermione anymore. 

She was already mothering me and holding back a lot I could tell, but I appreciated all of it and was glad I had her as a friend.

Luna walked back in and I gladly accepted my tea, taking a deep breath before letting out a soft sigh. "Thanks, Luna."

She nodded. "Of course, Ski. Let me know if there's anything else I can do for you." I smiled more and nodded then sipped the tea. 

I sighed in relief as it soothed my throat.

Luna looked at hermione. "Minoe, we need to get to class. Ski, McGonagall said someone would be here to keep an eye on you while we are at class."

I nod then yawn, still sipping my tea as they got ready to go. Within a few minutes I could barely keep my eyes open and set the cup down. 

Hermione pulled the covers over me and I smiled as my eyes closed, easily falling asleep as they left.

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