As long as im with you

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I sat beside hermione, finally back in my room because Draco had to go to class.

She was talking to me about assignments and all the stuff I needed to do to catch up.

I wasn't paying much attention though as I ran my fingers across my lips, reliving the feeling of Draco's lips on mine.

Without even thinking, I spoke, cutting hermione off mid sentence. "He kissed me."

Her eyes went huge and she looked at me like I was crazy "what? Who?"

I looked at her and couldnt help the smile that spread on my face. "Draco...mione I know hes a slytherin, but if you really got to know him like I have-"

Her turn to cut me off. "Are you crazy! He's Draco Malfoy! Slytherin, Pure blood prince!"

I frowned a little."Mione, like I
said, if you got to know him like I have, he's really sweet and mione I know he cares for me. Why else would he be helping me like this?" I looked at her very serious.

She just shook her head. "Look, I know lots of girls think he's attractive and I'd be lying if I said he wasn't at least a little good looking, but you can't confuse what your feeling with lust okay. Hes probably just looking for a good time and then he'll be done with you." She scoffed and looked back at her planner.

I teared up and just starred at her. "Your wrong...mione I know your wrong. I just dont understand why youd say something like that...I hated him. He was the worst thing to me from first year till now...but he's helped me so much and after last night in the woods...even Jarry knows it...why cant you?"

I stood up and grabbed my cloak before making my way to the library. I just wanted to get away from her right now.

I didnt understand why she couldn't just be happy for me. Draco was diffrent. He was happier. He was kinder. I sighed heavily and just walked.

I felt tears start to form as I walked and when I made it to the library, I i headed to the back where I could sit by myself.

I found a window seat and did just that, making myself comfortable as I wrapped my cloak around me for warmth.

I pushed back my tears and just sat there.

I didnt know how long I had been there or that I had fallen asleep till I felt gentle hands shaking me and a deep voice saying my name.

I opened my eyes and looked up to see Neville. "Hey, Ginny, I found her." He called out to the side.

I looked over and Ginny was running at us smiling. I sat up a little. "Whats going on?" I looked at her confused as she started to speak. 

"My mom said you can come spend the holiday with us. She says she'd much rather have you there then at Hogwarts by yourself." She smiled wildy.

I smiled. "Oh wow, Ginny, thats so sweat of her, but Draco made plans to stay with me. His family wont be home anyway and he knew I needed company."

I explained and took a deep breath. I wasnt sure after what happened with hermione how Ginny would react so I was shaking a little.

Neville noticed and frowned.

Ginny just kept smiling. "He can come to. Mom says no to no one. The guest room has two bed so he can have the other one. Ill go send her a letter now."

I stopped her, grabbing her hand. "Wait Ginny, are you sure thats a good idea? I is Draco."

She tsked me and nodded. "Like I said, mom says no to no one" She continued on her way out.

Neville looked at me "Draco is looking for you too. Should I tell him your in the library?"

I looked at him then at the clock. "Its only two, he should still be in class. Whys he looking for me?" I frowned.

Neville shifted his weight nervously and I shook my head. "Yes, please tell him I'm here. thank you Neville."

He relaxed and nodded, making his way a couple isles down till he spotted Draco, just pointing to me.

I watched as a very worried and sparatic Draco rush around the cornor.

The immediat relief in his eyes when he looked at me suprised me. In almost a moment I was in his arms as he sighed in relief.

I frown again. "Dra...whats wrong?" He leaned back and tucked some hair behind my ears.

"Hermione found me after potions...she was so upset and said I must be playing all these games with you...with your heart...I got so scared that-that you thought I was and-" He took a deep breath.

I moved my hands to his cheeks to bring his focus completely on me. "Draco, no. I got upset when she said those things to me and that's why I came here. To just be away from her. She doesn't understad, but thats okay because I don't believe that this is fake."

He looked in my eyes and smiled. I sighed in relief and smiled to.

He leaned down, kissing me. As I kissed back, we both relax and just held each other.

It felt so nice to just be with him. To just be here in his arms. That's how I knew this was real. That this was true between us.

We pulled apart when Ginny came running back, immediately being shushed by other students, but she didnt care.

"I sent mom a teleport letter and she's already said yes. Your both coming for christmas." She panted and smiled, catching her breath and leaning against a table.

I chcukled and Draco looks at me confused. I kissed his cheek. "Looks like we will be having a real holiday together."

He smiles widly and hugged me. "It'll be perfect no matter where we are as long as I'm with you, Ski"

Ginny smiled at us and grinned. The three of us headed out of the library to start packing.

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