Not your Draco part 2

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Sky stood still, trembling as she looked around her. She heard shrill screams and crys from somewhere further in the house.

Her feet pushed her forward to an open door, the only lights coming from the moon as it shown through the large windows.

One window was open slightly and the green curtains seemed to dance from the night air made.

She stepped further inside the room, keeping one hand on the wall to balance herself, not trusting her own footing.

A white bassinet was set beside a large bed. Two figures slept there while a soft cry could just bearly be heard from inside the baby blanket.

Sky's eyes widened and she would've smiled had the circumstances been different.

Another few steps and she could see a baby. Pure, white hair and a tiny face.

It was scrunched up as the babe let out another cry. "Draco?" Sky stood beside the bassinet, wathcing him squirm.

She knew when he stood beside her when chills ran through her body and the room grew cold.

"Yes, that's me. I was only a few months old here. My mother always told me my life was never ment to be this way, but she had to follow my father. To protect me. This is the innocence I lost. I was too young when Voldemort's plans took over my father's days and his mind. My mother and I never deserved that."

He leaned over, looking at himself, sighing in frustrated as he turned, heading towards the door.

Sky followed him with her eyes, taking a deep breath when he just stopped in the door way. "My father rarely held me and when he did, I was too young to remember. I only ever wanted to please him. To make him proud of him. But even as his only child and son, some things are too far out of reach."

Another scream was heard from farther I side the house and he turned to look at her, a eerie grin spread across his thin lips. "Well, come on. Don't you wanna see who you think I am?"

Sky bite her lip, but before she could do anything, he had changed the scene once again and they were standing in a different room.

Wood floors and high ceilings, windows covered one wall and a set of stairs to the left leading down into a cellar.

Skys attention was drawn to the center of the room by a third scream. Immediately frowning as she tried to figure out what was going on.

Infront of them, a women with black, unruly hair was holding someone down, a young girl, a wand etching something into her arm.

The women screamed foul things at her. Things that made Sky feel sick to her stomach as she watched the girl sob and cry out in pain.

All to easily, she recognized the young girl. Her stoamch dropping as she collapsed to her knees.


She never talked about the scar on her arm, but this had to have been how she got it.

Hot, unelcomed tears feel down Sky's cheeks and she turned away, not able to watch. She covered her ears too, not able to listen.

"Why this?" She turned to Draco as she cried. "Why are you making me watch this? You didn't do it. I dont understand."

Draco looked at her his face, emotionless and still as he just nodded over to the other side of the room.

Sky gulped, but followed his gaze, her eyes landing on a tall, lanky boy.

Another form of Draco.

This was what he was showing her.

Draco hadn't done this to Hermione personally, but he was still there.

She watched his face as he held back tears. She knew he was restraning himself and he flinched at every scream as Bellatrix carved mudblood into Hermiome's arm.

Sky shook her head. "This still isn't your fault! You didn't do anything, but you also didn't have a choice. Hermione may not have forgiven you fully yet, but she's getting there, Draco...please...please just listen to me."

Sky slowly stood, making her way to him on shaky legs, her gut clenching in fear of never reaching through to him.

He sneered at her, his eyes burning dangerously, but she kept going, keeping eye contact as she sobbed.

"Draco, please...the fact that it hurt you to watch this, means you did care. That you do care. Please, Draco...come back to me, please. I can't stand this without you...I need you."

She reached her hand out as she talked, just hoping he'd take it. Hoping that maybe if he just touched her, he'd realize she was telling him the truth.

Her whispers of "please" were bearly audible to her own ears, but she pressed on, not willing to give up. Not yet. She couldn't.

Draco's face changed and his eyes slowly turned back to the grey from before.

He looked stoic still, but slowly lifted his hand to her's. Sky nodded. "That's it Draco...please, I'm right here...just a little further. I believe in you." Her heart hammered in her chest at the anticipation.

As soon as their fingers touched, she pulled him to her, yanking hard and gripping him with all her strength.

Draco yelled out, still fighting to push away his past as the scene around this dissolved.

The one from the bedroom came clear again, but this time Luscious was carfully picking Draco up, shhsing him genlty.

Draco teared up then yelled again.

Sky just kept holding on, her knuckles turning white. "See, look! He held you. You were his son. He did love you! You deserve love Draco. Please, just fight. For me. I love you Draco. I won't stop just because you think you aren't worth it. Because I know you are, Draco. Your wroth more then I can give you. Please, Draco, fight for me!"

The bedroom started to dissolve and melt away as Draco was finally able to take a step closer.

Now, were out of Malfoy manner and back on the quidditch field.

Sky moved a hand to his cheek. "You can do this. Fight it, Draco! You are so much better then you know. This is the past."

Draco closed his eyes, hissing at the pain in his head. Slowly, but surely, the quidditch field started to fall away and his father's yelling stopped.

Within a second, they were back where they started. The observatory.

Sky smiled a little. "Come on Draco, your almost there. You can do this. I love you Draco and I ment what I said before. Your past self doesn't define who you are now."

Draco opened his eyes and looked at her. They were back to their normal color as tears streamed from them, soaking his cheeks.

She kept her hand on his cheek and nodded. "I'm here, you're so close. Please, come back to me." She swore she saw Dumbledore smile in their direction as he started to dissipate along with past Draco and the rest of the scene.

The walls around them started to fall away and light shown through, almost like a sunrise. White and blinding.

Draco sobbed softly, looking brokenly at Sky. "I'm sorry." Sky just hugged him. "I know. It's okay. Your here now. You did it, Draco. I'm so proud of you. Now let's get out of here, yeah?" Draco nodded, hugging back tightly.

They both gasped as a heavy weight fell on them and they closed their eyes, taking deep breaths as the lights dimmed and they felt numb, just holding each other.

Sky smiled still, knowing when she opened her eyes again, she'd be able to smile at Draco.

Her Draco.

He was right before, when he told her that saving her saved himself. And she'd always be there to save him. Always.

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