Fighting the bad

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We had made it to the Weasley's house and after giving Draco a tour of my 2nd home and laughing as he endured the teasing of the twins, we had an amazing dinner.

Fresh homemade soup and bread and I could tell Draco was way out of his element as we all sat down together at the table.

I watched excited as he relaxed and began to engage in conversation, feeling myself fall more in love as he laughed for real and his pale cheeks turned red from excitement.

He praised Molly for the food and explained that he's never had a dinner like this. That a home cooked meal was new to him, but he loved it so much already.

I frowned when I heard hermione snort at that and ron groan and roll his eyes.

I knew Draco hadnt heard that, but I did. I tried to just smile and grabbed Draco's free hand as we ate.

Molly told some storys about fun summers and things that happened here and the twins and Ginny joined in, making us all laugh more.

I felt that bad moment slowly fade away, till I heard Hermione and Ron snickering again.

I stood up, making everyone stop talking as I slammed my hand on the table with tears in my eyes.

I look across the table at them. "I cant believe you two...after everything thats happened. Everything I've been cant just be happy for me!"

Molly frowned and Draco put his hand on my waist as he stood up to.
Ginny looked at Hermione wide eyed.

"Draco saved my life...if nothing else, why can't you just be glad of that. You're supposed to be my friends! Support me! Friends dont do this. You dont have to understand how I feel, but at least have enough respect to not say things right infront of us!"

I had started shaking as I talked and tears streemed down my face. My throat hurt from yelling as I turned and made my way upstairs.

Draco immediately followed and just picked me up, carrying me to the room wed be staying in.

I cried into his shoulder, hiding my face. Draco just held me close. "Shh, its okay I've got you love"

He laid me on the bed and just laid with me,holding me to his chest. His hands massged my back trying to relax me.

I just cried, but slowly stopped shaking. "I don't understand why they are doing this. I don't expect them to like you immediately, but...they just dont care who they hurt as long as somehow they hurt you too." I sighed heavily as Draco wiped my tears.

He kissed my head and nodded
"I cant speak for them, love, but no matter what they say, I'm here okay. I'm here for you no matter what. I promise."

His words helped me relax and I nodded slowly, laying my head on his chest. He kept rubbing my back and I listen to his heart beat, trying to match it to my own.

A few minutes later, my eyes slid closed as Molly walks in.

Draco stayed still, just holding me. Molly smiled and pulled a blanket over me. "Shes someone special Draco. She's alwasys felt and loved so deep and hard. I know not all of us are 100% on board yet, but I can see that you are really in love with her. She trusts you and that doesn't come easy to her."

She paused. "I'm sorry about Ron and Hermione...just let her have some rest they won't bother her again. I made sure of that. Breakfast will be at 8 tomorrow morning, but just have the night to yourselfs. She needs it."

Draco nodded and smiled. "Thank you, Molly." He smiled down at me, still rubbing my back.

Molly smiled again before leaving.

When the door shut, I sighed, but otherwise dont move. Draco kept rubbing my back, reassuring me that things will be just fine if given a little time.

He took a deep breath. "Honestly, I haven't fought this long agaisnt my bad side, just to give up now because of some rude behavior."

I opened my eyes and move to lean up so I can look at him. My eyebrows knit together in thought. " long have you been fighting with yourself? I mean...I saw you standing with us during the war, then...when Voldemort called you over...I know you hesitated." I look down then back at him.

He didn't say anything at first and I gave him time to think.

He tucked some lose hair behind my ear. "I'm not sure how long exactly. I just know that one day I relized something was different. A little spark that had finally lit a fire...I think 3i didn't act on it because I didn't know how too. And...I only went to Voldemort because of my mother."

I could feel his fingers tremble against my cheek when he said that. Reaching up, I grabbed his hand in mine and nodded.

"Through everything, she was there for me. I mean she's my mom. I wanted so badly to stay where I was and fight against the evil, but when she called my name...I had to protect her."

He looked away and over to the window. It was dark now, but the stars could be seen clearly and the moon was almost full.

I watched his face as he zoned out for a moment, no doubt reliving the situation in his head.

Genlty, I placed my other hand on his cheek, drawing his attention back to me.

"Im glad you wanted to protect her. You were still fighting for what was right in that way. Wanting to keep those you loved safe...and now you're keeping me safe...right?"

I felt silly asking that, but it had been said one way or another. I bite my lip, waiting for his answer.

He just smiled and pulled me back down genlty into his warm arms. "Of course I am. Ski, I can say without a doubt that I'd protect you against anything. And right now if that means Ron and Hermionie, then thats what I'll do. You're so important to me, Ski"

He kissed the top of my head as I relax into him, leatting his body heat warm me.

A smile spread across my face followed by a yawn. Nodding I close my eyes. "Thank you, Dra."

It came out in a sleepy mumble and I hear him chcukle and whisper goodnight before I fall asleep.

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