What you ment

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I could feel warmth around me and it was relaxing. The feeling of something wrapped around me keeping me safe in a cocoon.

My body was still and content to stay that way for now as my head rested on a soft pillow. 

As I started to wake, I slowly moved my fingers then my toes and feet. Slowly stretching out with an odd stiff feeling.

A small groan escaped my lips as I did then a small sigh as I laid still again. Content to stay in whatever this warmth was. 

I took a deep breath in and scrunched my nose at the odd smell.

It was like warm leather and apples. Something I had smelled before, but couldn't place it.

Slowly, I opened my eyes, light from the window in front of me seeping in around my eyelids, causing me to close my eyes again and groan. 

I heard soft steps make their way to me and then a hand on my shoulder, gently rubbing it.

I relaxed slightly, trying to open my eyes again. My vision was blurry at first, but slowly I started to make out the person in front of me.

I saw a smile then green eyes. 

I stared at him then pulled away from his touch, making him frown and I could see the sadness in his eyes immediately replacing the calm happiness that was there.

I almost felt bad as my heart raced, but I couldn't help but remember what he had said to me. I looked away and tried to figure out where I was. 

I knew I wasn't in my room or in the hospital wing. So where was I?

I looked back at Draco again when he got up and went over to the window. I watched as he leaned against the window sill and took a deep breath.

"Ski...I...I had nothing to do with what happened to you. Please you have to believe me" 

I frowned more, watching him curiously. Slowly, I sat up, taking a deep breath as I did.

He rubbed his face with one hand then continued. "What I meant to say before...I like you, Skyler. I just didn't know how to tell you or even speak to you. When I walked into that bathroom and saw-" 

I grimaced. I knew he was the one that found me, but I'd never asked what he saw. I wanted to ask him to continue, but at the same time I couldn't get myself to say anything.

I still wasn't sure what to think after what he said to me, but still I wanted to hear what he had to say. Especially if he was willing to tell it. 

He turned to me and I gasped when I saw tears in his eyes. "I saw you...on the floor. I could tell you were in so much pain, but they wouldn't stop. I...I felt so much anger and I couldn't stop myself. I ripped them off you and...well they didn't make it out without bruises of their own.'' He took a deep breath and so did I. 

I sat up more and slowly stood. He watched me. "Ski, I was so scared. I've never been that scared for someone ever. When Magonigall said you'd need someone that could stay with you and still get good grades, I immediately told her I would do it." He sniffled a little. 

I stood still. Frozen.

I wanted to go to him and hug him, but I still couldn't make part of me believe him.

He was actually crying though. Draco Malfoy had tears going down his cheeks, for me.

How was that not enough to know he was being genuine? 

"Ski, you've always been so kind hearted. So nice. Patient...the opposite of me. I had no idea how to tell you and to be honest, I never thought you'd feel the same way. What I said back outside, I meant it. I like you, Ski. A lot. I'm so sorry about everything that happened, but 3i promise i'll do whatever I have to to make it up to you" 

My features softened as I looked at him, watching him look down and wipe his face.

My heart still pounded and I could feel it beat even in my stomach. My feet started working before my mouth did and I rushed over and hugged him. "Thank you, Draco."

My voice was soft, but I knew he heard it. He hugged back tightly, his head resting on top of mine. 

We both relaxed and I sniffed. "I'm sorry for getting so upset...I should've let you explain before running off like that."

He shook his head. "I should've been more careful with how I said what I did. I'm just glad I found you and that you're okay." He rubbed my back. 

I pulled away a little and looked up. "Yeah, about that. Um, how did you find me and where am I?"

He held my hands in his gently. "I used a spell to find you. When I did, I was so scared I was too late. But you were still breathing, you were just cold. Harry was with me. He um...he saw me running around the grounds." 

He stopped to took a deep breath. "He asked me what was wrong and when I told him, he immediately offered to help. As much as I hated it, I needed help. When I found you, he helped me take you inside. Madam Pomprey gave you some potions then told me I could take you back to your room." 

He paused and I raised an eyebrow. "But this isn't my room." He nodded. "Yes I know. I guess the girls were all being so noisy that Luna told me I needed to take you somewhere quiet because you kept fighting in your sleep like you were having a nightmare." He tucked some hair behind my ear as I nodded. 

"So." I started and looked around again. It was then I saw the green curtains and snakes everywhere and my eyes widened.

He hugged me close again. "I brought you to my room. The rest of the slytherins are in hogsmeade today. So it's very quiet" 

I nodded. "Oh, okay. Um...how long was I asleep?" I sat back down and he wraped a blanket around me when I shivered.

"About 4 hours. Are you hungry? No one is in the dining hall right now and I can have something made."

I smiled a little. "Yes please. I'm starving." He smiles and chuckled a little. "Okay then. Let's go." He offered me his hand. 

I took it and stood up again. He wrapped his cloak around me so I stayed warm then we headed for the door.

I smiled and let myself relax as I walked beside him. I was in love with Draco Malfoy, but more importantly he was in love with me. 

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