Spilt tea and tears

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Draco watched the black liquid swirl in his mug, the warmth seeping through the glass shape and into his hands.

Everything around him seemed still. Like the universe was takeing a breath.

A time out.

He was okay with that, enjoying the quiet that surrounded him for the moment as he thought. It was relaxing in small ways.

Taking a small sip of the honey tasting drink, he sighed out slowly and looked up as the wind picked up, slightly blowing his hair from his eyes.

Eyes that still held tears from hours ago.

It felt nice though. Refreshing. He welcomed the chill that it brought. Almost like a reminder that he was still grounded. That he was still here.

Another sip down and he looked around. He'd been sitting on the backprouch for a good hour now. Not finding the will to move.

Why should he? Just to go back upstairs and watch the love of his life lay asleep.

It hurt that he wasnt with her, but Molly was right, he needed fresh air. And a shower.

He sighed again and looked back at his tea. Ginny had brought it out to him just a few minutes ago. He had really appreciated it, even though he never really was one for the drink.

He knew she was just trying to help and it actually tasted pretty good. His stomach growled making him blink then sigh.

With a soft huff, he pushed himself up from his seat and took another sip of the drink before heading to the door.

His steps were heavy and his body ached from lack of sleep, but he managed to walk into the house without looking intoxicated.

He stopping though just inside to view the hustle and bustle that was the Weasley's house.

He had come to welcome the noise and the constent shouting from at least two family members at a time.

Not angry shounting, but just really more of load talking from across the house.

He found it quite entertaining sometimes and even now a small smirk found its way to his lips.

Molly was running in between cabnits and the stove in the kicthen with Hermione's help while Ginny sat on the island counter top.

Harry was attempting to, poorly Draco noticed as he had his tongue sticking out slightly in concentration, briad her hair back, but Ginny didn't mind as she smiled happily.

Fred and George were happily making an argument with Ron as they sat at the table. Ron's face was smushed into a scowl as he groaned at his older brothers antics.

He kept trying to win over the conversation with facts, but they'd laugh and spew out jokes then laugh more as Ron ran his hands through his hair frustrated.

Draco shook his head a little and smirked then looked over to an old chair where Mr. Weasley was reading a rather large and also old looking book.

He mumbled to himself as he read, wondering aloud about what things in the book ment.

Draco couldn't understand most of it, but sometimes he'd sit near him and listen.

He rather enjoyed the Weasley house and honestly wished he'd become friends with them sooner.

Although, before the war, things were...well he didn't want to think of what his father would have done of he had.

He wasn't the person he was now either. It probably wouldn't have been the same anyway. Not without Sky.

He took a deep breath, thinking of her again then shook his head trying to think positively.

Molly said she was doing really well. She just had to wake up. Still, none of them knew when she would.

It had been 14 hours since Draco was pulled from his subconscious. He was still nervous to sleep. Though, he wouldn't admit that to anyone. Well excpet Molly, but that didnt count.

She just knew thats what it was. Luckly enough, she'd left Draco alone about it for the most part.

She did slip some sleep potion into his lunch the earlier though.

He wanted to be upset, but getting some actual sleep had been relieving to both his body and mind.

Maybe he should ask her for another tonight. He shook his head though, wondering if that was safe, but it was Molly. He trusted her.

He made a note to mention it. Maybe.

He looked over towards the stairs deciding he should head to shower, but stopped when his eyes landed on a figure.

A crash was heard and everyone stopped what they were doing, looking at Draco confused as the mug he had been holding just moments before was now shattered on the floor. The contents of which now floweing into a small puddle at his feet.

Tears welled up in his eyes and a soft gasp pushed past his lips. "Sky?"

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