The battle within

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Sky was headed upstairs to wash up when she heard a thud against the stairwell.

Her eyebrows furrowed and she looked back to see Draco falling to the floor.

She gasped, screaming his name out as she watched his eyes slid closed and his body go still.

Her breath hitched and she felt her stomach drop as she fumbled towards him. Tears already streaming down her face as her worst thoughts took over her imagination.

Grasping his hand, she shook his shoulder, trying to wake him. His cheeks, that were recently a slight pink, were pale white and cold to the touch.

Sky looked up as Harry and Ron ran over having heard her scream. Molly followed and so did the girls and Mr Weasly.

Molly immediately began shouting orders to the boys, Ginny and Hermione.

With everyone running every which way, Sky just sat on the floor beside Draco, watching him. Scared and shaking.

She held his hand tightly in hers and brushed his blonde hair from his face, moving it to the side. "Draco...Draco please...wake up. Please."

She didn't know what to do. She only moved when Ron and Harry both gathered Draco up and moved him to the couch.

Molly helped Sky up and instructed Ginny to help her to a chair.

Ginny wrapped her arms around Sky's shaking form and helped her sit down.

Then both watched as Molly and Hermione hovered over Draco, trying to find what was wrong.

Molly looked at Sky. "Sweety, was anything wrong before in the kicthen? Did he say anything?" She shook her head and tried to hold back sobs.

A soft sigh could be heard from Molly as she tried to think. "Physically, he's fine...still a little to thin for my liking but...he's healthy."

She looked at Hermione, but they both had no answers. Harry looked at Sky and Ginny then back to Molly. "If it's not physical, is it mental? I mean...Draco told me last night about these nightmares-"

Ron cut him off. "Nightmares?" Harry nodded and Sky sucked in a breath as he continued. "Yes. He was explaining that he keeps having dreams about who he used to be and what he did...maybe this is like...some type of enternal conflict."

Sky frowned more and looking towards Molly, unsure of what to say or even think at this point.

Molly and Hermione both started rambling off diffrent things and ways to check, leaving Sky to watch confused.

After a moment, she stood and walked to Harry. Her legs felt like jelly and she could feel her heart beat in her stomach, but she needed to know what Draco told Harry. "Harry, can you please tell me about the dreams?"

Harry could hear the shakiness in her voice and took a deep breath. "Sky, I'm not sure if I should...they were...intense...the things he did...we all know he's a different person...but it makes since these are haunting him...I just dont know."

Sky bite her lip and grabbed Harry's hand. "Harry...please! I need to understand what he's feeling."

Hermione looked at them. "Sky, we can see into his dreams. It's an intense spell and takes concentration. Lots of it...but it can be done."

Sky took a deep breath, looking at Draco. Somehow he looked in pain. His lips were apart slightly, but his eyes were closed tight, making the creses in his face give him a sort of grimace look.

She nodded. "I dont care how long it takes, if it'll help him then please Mione." A sob cut Sky's sentence off and Harry pulled her into a hug, nodding at Hermione.

Molly nodded too, giving Hermione the OK she needed to start. It was gonna be a process and she wasn't exactly sure what she was doing.

Sure she'd seen this before, but...this was Draco Malfoy. Who knows what exaclty lies in his dreams.

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