Closed and Open books

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I was finally starting to feel like myself again.

Madam Pomprey said I was so sick from all the stress on my body and most likely depression, but honestly, with Draco here, I was starting to feel happy again.

It was such an odd sensation. His smile made me feel a little lighter, made the pain go away a little faster. It was still all so confusing though. 

I told Luna what I was feeling and she just listened, as I knew she would.

I told her how he had helped me with no explanation and how he said he didn't mind. He never complained once and seemed eager to help in any way.

I told her that I would wake up to him reading and found myself pretending to be asleep longer so I could hear him narrate. 

She just smiled. "Well, ski, sometimes people aren't always what they seem. Just like books, you have to actually open it up and read a little before you get an idea of what it's about. Draco is a very interesting person and I don't think anyone will really truly know him, but I think he's let you open the cover. Just keep reading"

I listened to her words as I get dressed and thought over them carefully.

I know she was right about Draco being a closed book. He has, well maybe had, a facade of being mean but, after what happened last year in the war, he just seems...different.

I can't give it a name and I can't place the feeling, but it's different. Wiether bad or not, I haven't decided just yet. 

Once I pulled my shoes on, I looked in the mirror. My eyes immediately teared up.

I still had a partial black eye and bruises along my arms and legs. "I can't wear my uniform."

Luna frowned, but immediately went to a trunk, pulling out some things. "We're about the same size, so here. Some pants and a sweater. Borrow them for as long as you like." 

I looked at her and oddly enough  I wasn't even surprised by her automatic gesture.

My tears were replaced with a smile as I hugged her. She hugged back gentle, carefull of my bruises knowing I'm still weak and sore.

I pulled away and change then pulled my hair back into just a simple bun. 

I knew people would still see my face, but I was tired of being in this room. It had been three days and although I was very far from going back to classes again, I knew I needed to stretch my legs and a walk around Hogwarts and going with Luna would work just fine. 

I walked with Luna and she made sure to walk slowly for me, especially down the stairs.

Most everyone was already in the dining hall, so the halls were empty aside from few perfects.

One waved at us and let us on our way. I found myself letting out a sigh of relief when I was treated normally.

Luna smiled at me, reassuring me more and making me smile back in turn.

As we kept walking, I started to get a little tired, but didn't say anything, not wanting to worry her.

Besides, we were almost to the dining hall.

Once we reached the doors, I was dizzy. Small spots were forming in the corners of my vision and shallow breaths came from my mouth. 

I could feel the sweat on my forehead and my hands were shaking and I tried to stand just a step behind Luna hoping she wouldn't notice.

She opened the doors and as I heard all the noise, my head started to spin, making it hard to stand up straight. I gasped softly as I tripped over my own feet. 

My reflexes failed me as I started to fall, the spots becoming more visible and my face paleing.

Before I even made it halfway to the ground, I was caught in someone's arms.

I heard a clatter of what sounded like a plate hitting the ground almost at the same time. 

My eyes opened a little and a soft groan escaped from my mouth.

I made a confused face when my eyes met sterling green ones, but as blonde white hair fell around the persons face and I knew it was Draco.

Luna was saying something in a  worried tone beside me and Draco just nodded then held me to his chest, heading out of the dinning hall. 

I started to regain myself and took a deep breath. "Draco?" He kept walking. "Shh you're okay, just relax. It's too loud in there and you can't be walking to much yet."

I looked at him strangly, just trying to figure out still why he was acting like this.

So not Draco.

He just kept walking and took me to a classroom that was empty and wasn't being used this year. 

He set me down in a seat and put a hand on my cheek, looking me over concerned. "Is anything hurt? Are you okay?"

I just stared at him, my mouth forming an "O". I slowly moved my hand to his and let it sit there a moment. Only then did he lock eyes with me again.

They were soft, but worried. I could see a few specks of brown right in the center. He stopped talking and just watched me. 

I slowly slipped my hand into his and moved it down just holding it. "I'm...I'm fine, draco...t-thank you."

He gave me a soft smile and it looked so genuine. I'd never seen his expressions so soft before. There was no smirk, no malice at all. m

Maybe I had judged him too quickly before. Maybe Luna was right. I did need to give him a chance. 

"Of course, Ski. I'm just glad you're okay. When I saw you and Luna walk in, I knew something was wrong. Why didn't you say something to her?" He tucked some hair behind my ear with his free hand still holding my hand with his other.

He furrowed his eyebrows, his voice quiet as he spoke. Like speaking too loud would hurt my ears. 

I looked down a little and he moved his hand under my chin, gently tilting my head back up.

His eyes held something I've never seen in him before. Well, I've really only seen it twice before.

The first time in my mom when I was sick with pneumonia when I was 8. The 2nd time, in Madame Pomfrey when I first woke up after everything happened. 

I relaxed a little, taking a deep breath. "I guess...I just wanted things to be normal again...I was tired of being stuck in that room all day."

He nodded slowly. "Well, you're still healing. You need to be careful and take it easy...would you like to go on a walk...with me?"

He seemed a little nervous as he asked, gingerly taking both my hands in his. 

I stared down at our hands, my heart starting to pound in my chest. I knew my cheeks were turning red as I felt a light burn in them.

I couldn't seem to form words, so I give him a little nod. The smile that formed on his face made me smile as he got excited from my answer. 

He stood up, helping me up as he did, slipping an arm around my waist.

I know it was just to help steady me as we walked, but I couldn't help but feel flutters in my stomach.

I tried to push down the feeling. After all, he was still a Slytherin, but maybe, maybe he isn't one at heart.

I stayed by his side as we walk from the classroom and headed for the doors. 

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