butterfly's and lies

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Draco continued to hold onto me as we walked.

The day was beautiful with just a hint of chill to the wind so I let my hair down to cover my neck as I shivered slightly.

Draco immediately noticed and wrapped an arm tighter around me. "Would you like my cloak?" He stopped and started to take it off despite my answer. "I'm fine, really" 

He just continued then slipped it over my head so it hung on my shoulders. My heart started to race again as he tied the string tighter so it fit more snugly around me.

His fingers gingery flushed across my shoulders and neck. I only hoped that my already red cheeks hid my blush.

He smiled once he was done. "There. Now, shall we continue." He offered me his arm. 

I slipped my arm through his and nodded. We started to walk again and as we did, I started to feel warm.

Sighing happily, I let myself relax next to the Slytherin prince. Letting my mind wonder as I looked around at the trees and fields we were walking through.

The shades of green were slowly being taken over by vibrant oranges, yellows, and reds. Absolutely stunning. 

I was caught off guard when Draco suddenly started to speak. We had both just been content in our silence the last few minutes, but I listen to intently.

"I'm not who you think I am you know...I can still feel you tense up when I get too close. Your heart beats faster when I touch you...I just want you to know...I'd never let anything or anyone hurt you ever again." 

I stopped walking and as my arm slipped from his, he turned back concern written all over his face. "Ski if I said-"

Shaking my head, I stopped him. "No its not...I mean...I'm not scared of you if that's what you think, Draco...I tense up, my heart races and my cheeks flush...because...because."

I take a deep breath and he stepped towards me, his hands gently caressing my arms as his eyes creased with worry. 

He was about to speak again when I continued. "Because despite what I thought, or what I was told, you're right. You're not who I thought you were...you're kind and gentle...you don't like to show it that much I can see...but I think, Draco Malfoy...I'm starting to maybe...like you."

I whisper out the last two words and could barely believe what I was saying. 

Both our eyes widened as if we both realize what I was saying together.

I had never expected in all my life to say something like that to a Malfoy, but I knew it was true. I had just only admitted that to myself when I told him.

His cheeks had a hint of pink that on his pale skin shown like cherries. He stumbled over his words for a moment before taking a deep breath to compose himself. 

Taking both my hands in his, I feared what he was gonna say, but his touch was still so gentle and almost...warm.

With a soft sigh, he looked at me and I noticed he was inching closer. Before I even knew what was happening, I leaned in and our lips connected.

I felt my breath rush out of me in surprise and my eyes fluttered close as his did as well. 

I felt something that I'd never felt before. A spark of what seemed to be electricity throughout my body.

It left a feeling almost like I was numb, but with excitement and also a little fear.

More like nervousness though.

Either way, it felt like butterflies were swarming in my stomach, but it was a welcomed, warm feeling. 

We both pulled away after a moment and just stared into each other's eyes.

Both of us out of breath and red faced. Both of us are excited yet scared. And both of us holding each other's hands almost too tightly, but not wanting to let go.

His eyes again just looked so kind as he smiled bigger than I'd seen before.  

"I like you to, Ski. I think I've known it for a while now but...I just didn't know what to do. But after everything that happened I saw my opportunity-''

I cut him off with a scoff and furrowed my eyebrows, pulling my hand away from his. "You saw an opportunity? To what...get me in your grip? Get me wrapped around your finger?" 

I took a step back. "Am I just a charity case to you...did you-" My eyes widened and I felt sick about what I was about to say, but this realization hit me too hard and I started to feel unsteady.

"Did you plan this...so that you could just use me for some...some petty game?" Tears formed in my eyes, but I pushed them back. 

Draco frowned "Ski no! I promise that's not what I meant. I never wanted anything to happen to you. Please. I had nothing to do with what happened."

I held my hand up as I looked at the ground. "I don't wanna hear some half truth story, Malfoy...I thought...I thought maybe I had started to open you up like an unread book." 

I sighed heavily holding back a sob. "But my friends were wrong, you can judge a book by its cover."

I turned on my feet and just started to run. I knew I couldn't make it far doing this. I was already in pain, but I just needed to get away from him.

My heart felt like it had been ripped into shreds. And it was all on him. 

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