Not your Draco Part 1

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Sky held Draco's hand as she watched Hermione and Molly try to make him more comfortable.

Harry and Ron had moved him onto the bed upstairs so it would be easier to be on both sides of him for spell.

When Hermione figured it out Sky was ready, at least she thought so, to go into Draco's dreams and try to figure out what was happening to him.

Molly looked at Sky. "You don't have to do this if you dont want to." She shook her head. "I need to do this. Draco saved me...its my turn to save him."

She took a deep breath then laid next to him, holding his hand tightly.

Hermione began to explain what was going to happen and how she would probably feel once everything started.

"You've got to stay relaxed and keep taking deep breaths. Once you start to fall asleep, I'll began the spell. You'll feel tingling in your hands and feet first then it'll spread, but it wont hurt. You'll start to feel pressure, kinda like someone is ontop of you. I'm honestly not sure how it'll feel after that. okay?"

Everyone seemed stiff and on edge, but Sky nodded. "Yeah, okay. Let's do this."

Hermione nodded and Sky closed her eyes, listening to Molly say a sleep spell to speed things up.

As Sky nodded off, she could hear Hermione start the spell. She was right, her hands and feet started to tingle then it slowly spread throught her body. It almost felt like pins and needles as it intensified.

A soft gasp was heard as she started to feel pressure on her chest. It didn't hurt, but it was heavy.

She tried to keep taking deep breaths like Hermione said, but it was getting harder.

She winced as lights flooded her eyes and she heard loud noises all around her. Her body felt sore as she tried to move anything.

The light made her groan, moving a hand up to her face to block it out, slowly trying to open her eyes.

It took a minute, but once she got them open, she moved her hand slightly to look around.

Her eyes widened as she gasped. She was back at hogwarts in the observatory.

She saw Dumbledore standing by the opening at one side of the room. Her eyes widened further.  "D-dumbledore...Y-your"

She was cut off when she heard an all to familiar voice. Turning her head, she say Draco standing there. Tears streaming down his face.

He was shaking and could bearly keep his wand up as he pointed it at Dumbledore.

Everything hit Sky at once and she knew what was going on.

This was the night Dumbeldore was killed.

She scrambled to her feet, her eyes still wide as she tried not to panic. This was Draco's dream so there was nothing she could do but watch the scene unfold.

It made her body shake. Shed only heard of what happened. Now she was seeing it.

"Unsettling, isn't it?" Sky jumped a scream escaping her throat as she turned to see someone next to her.

She made out blonde hair and knew immediately it was Draco. Not the dream Draco, but her Draco. "Dra?...what?"

He looked down at her, his eyes a steely grey, but soft. He sighed and shoved his hands in his pockets.

"Now you can see...who I was." He looked back at his younger self, watching him talk to Dumbledore.

Sky's mind was everywhere as she tried to pull her thoughs together. "Dra, thats who you were, not who you are now."

She reached for his hand, but she couldn't grab it.

Draco just chcukled and her eyes widened as he looked down at her, his eyes changing from grey to dark red.

"You think I'm your Draco? No, no. See, I'm the one keeping your Draco here."

Sky gasped, taking a step back as he laughed at her then truned to leave.

Within a second he was gone and Sky stumbled forward, her stomach clenching.

When she looked up again, she was somewhere else. Outside on the quidditch feild.

She could see storm clouds as it started to rain, soaking her. She looked around, just trying to figure out what to do before spotting him again.


He was much younger this time, dressed in his quidditch outfit. His head was down as he father spoke to him.

She could see the pain on his face as he held back tears and remembered this as one of the first games Draco played in.

The Slytherins had lost.

She remembered hearing from other students that Luscious had not been happy, but Draco never showed any signs like this. He looked devastated to have disappointed his father.

"Pitiful, isn't he? Or, arent we? We alwasys tried too hard you know, to make him happy. He never was."

Sky gasped and turned around. He was standing behind her, his eyes still that dark red as he grinned at her. "Why are you doing this? Why can't you just let him forget?" She teared up.

His smile went away and instead there was a grimace. He lunged to her, pushing her back against the stadium posts and pinning her arms above her head.

Sky let out a sob, scared. "Draco?" He pushed her back harder. "I'm doing this because you need to see. You need to know who I was. How can you look at me like you do? Like a love sick puppy. You have no idea the things I've done."

Sky frowned, her heart breaking.

Even with this mask he wore, she could still see the pain in his eyes. "Draco, I know what you did...I did hate you...for years I hated you, but you saved me. You saved me. You're past doesn't define you, have changed...please come back to me."

She started to cry more and he let her go, causing her to fall to the ground as brushes formed on her wrists from how tight he was holding her.

He stood with his back to her and yelled out.

Sky watched him clench his fists, holding them down at his sides. "You don't know anything about me! Your just a stupid girl. How could you honestly think you know any of the pain I'm feeling?"

Sky cried harder, her heart dropped onto her stomach as she just sat on her knees watching him.

It hurt to see him like this. He looked so at war with himself. She had no idea what to do. No idea what to say.

Again the scene changed and they were in a dark lit foyer. Everything was decorated in dark colors and it smelled like burning candles.

Sky felt the ground underneath her as it changed from wet grass to a soft carpet.

"Draco...where are we?" Her voice was shaky as she stood, but stayed where she was, not wanting to risk angering him even more.

Without looking at her, he took a deep breath. "This is the place everything began...where my life was pushed in ways I never wanted. Malfoy Manner."

She could clearly hear the venom in his voice as he spoke that name and knew immediately, this was going to be much harder then she originally thought.

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