Gentle kisses and something dark

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Draco found himself laughing more then he ever had in his life when he saw the state of the girls in the kitchen.

His cheeks were bright red and he put his hand on the chair infront of him to help keep his balance.

Flour and eggs were everywhere while it looked as though the only cookies actually made were by Mrs. Weasly.

Ron was busy helping Hermionie clean up and Harry with Ginny.

Sky looked at Draco smiling shyly and cleared her throat. "We may have um...made a little mess." She looked around her then back at Draco, her cheeks burning red even under the flour that covered them.

Draco couldn't help but smile and held up his thumb and index finger holding them just slightly apart where she could see. "Just a little."

Rhey both laughed and he offered Sky his hand. "Come on then, lets get you cleaned up before dinner and before Molly has a cow."

Sky took his hand and he gently pulled her to him. She felt his hands on her waist as he lifted her with little effort up onto a very small clean part of the table.

Sky found herself blushing more and just looked at Draco, woundering what he was doing.

The Slytherin prince just smiled at her, still slightly laughing and kissed her nose, leaving a trace of frosting on his lips.

He licked it off and grinned. "Hey that's pretty good stuff." Sky grinned. "Thanks." She licked some off her hand and chcukled.

Draco turned to grabbed a wash rag and got it wet. We he turned back, Sky was looking at him with one eyebrow rasied and her lips slightly apart in a confused manner.

He held up the rag. "For you face." He walked back to her and gently began to clean the flour, egg and everything else off her forhead, cheeks and chin.

Sky could feel her cheeks heat even more up, but sat still.

In all the time she had seen Draco before at Hogwarts, she never in a million years would have pegged him as this guy.

The sweet, tender, gentle guy that would get himself messy to help someone else clean up. She had watched him change so drastically and it made her heart swell a little.

Draco finshed and set the rag down, helping her take her apron off. He had her lift her arms up a little then she set them back down on his shoulders.

Another smile creeped onto his face as he tilted his head, slightly trying to figure out her game as she sighed happily and pulled him genlty closer to her.

"Thank you, Dra." Her voice came out as a whisper, but he heard it plan and clear. "Your welcome, Sky. Though, you definitely need a shower too. You have egg shell and who knows what else in your hair."

They both laughed again and Sky nodded in agreement, but she still didn't move.

Instead, she leaned in and kissed him happily, not caring who all saw it.

Draco smiled into the kiss, closing his eyes and putting a hand on her now clean cheek.

His other hand moved to her waist, making Sky sort of giggle. She felt giddy and just so happy with him.

She didn't care what anyone else thought. She was with him. She loved him. That was enough for her.

Ginny smiled and looked at Harry. They both nodded in approval, not that it was needed, but it was there.

Hermione took a deep breath, but she did feel happy for Sky. She knew she was happier and that was enough for her too.

She looked at Ron, kissing his cheek. "Come on, lets give them some privacy." She held Ron's hand and followed Harry and Ginny out of the kitchen.

Once Draco and Sky broke the kiss, the two were out of breath, but still smiling and even bigger then before.

Draco started to move his hand away, but Sky just pulled him closer, wrapping her arms around him and burrying her face into his neck.

Instinctively, Draco wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her protectively.

Sky sighed happily and stayed like that a moment before taking in a deep breath. "Thank you, Draco. Not just for this...for everything."

Draco kissed the top of her head and nodded. "Sky, I...I know I would do anything for you, but the person saying thank you should be me. I think we have both helped each other in more ways then one."

Sky thought for a minute on that then nodded. She had watched him change and knew she was the reason, but now it wad dawning on her that he was changing not just because if her, but for her.

For their love.

"I love you, Draco." The words rolled off her tongue so easily and she felt as if she was always ment to say them.

He held her even closer, genlty rubbing her back in small soothing circles.

His thoughts should have been everywhere or jumbled in a msss of confusion and his words no where to be found, but he found them.

Everything with Sky was easier so he should've be shocked at this, but found he wasnt.

He looked down at her and with a soft voice said. "I love you to, Sky"

After a pause in just the comfortable embrace, he finally pulled away, helping her off the table and sending her upstairs to wash up before they had to get ready for dinner.

Draco watched Sky go up the stairs, his heart hammering in his chest, but not because he was scared.

No, that wasnt it at all. He was in love. Or was it something else.

Draco felt his heart race faster and he grew dizzy. He gasped, putting a hand to his chest, his knees feeling weak as he fell into the stair rail.

His vison started to blur as the room around him spun in several different directions.

The last thing he remembered was hitting the floor and Sky screaming his name before everything went dark.

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