Flour part 2: Toleration

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Draco leaned against the railing outside the Wesley's house. It was freezing outside, but he didnt feel it.

He knew though, that it wasnt the sweat he'd worked up goofing around outside with the other guys; It was the constant nagging at the back of his mind.

The fight he had with himself that was turning more into a war.

He was losing sleep over all these new emotions and things he wasn't sure how to control.

He could see it in himself, he was a very different person then before the war.

Way before that even.

Before the death of Dumbledore. Before Voldemort made his big apperance. Honestly, before he even went to Hogwarts.

He remembered being a happy child. Mischievous obviously and definitely a mothers boy.

He got away with anything. Through the years though, his father drug him further down into the muck and the darkness.

Draco hissed slightly when he laid his arm on the railing a little to hard and truned it over, just seeing the bottom of the snake from bellow his muffed sleeve.

It made him gag and he turned his head.

He didnt blame Ron for not trusting him. Heck, 12 months ago, Draco wouldnt have trusted himself with a small secret, much less the love of a person.

But he did love Skylar.

He knew that for absolute certain. She was that drop of goodness he needed to keep him from the edge of his own oblivion.

He smiled thinking of her. He always did.

Her smile. Her eyes. He had seriously never seen someone so beautiful inside and out.

With a deep breath, he turned to walk back inside. He only made it a few steps before Ron walked out the door.

Both boys stopped in their tracks and just looked at each other. Draco was the first to break the stair and opted to lean down and pick up the mug he'd been using before.

Ron takes a deep breath. "Look Malf- um...Draco...I know we've never seen eye to eye, but for Skylar...I'm willing to be sival. She's um, well she's a good friend. So if you make her happy then okay."

Draco looked up again, his eyes going wide. "Oh...okay. Thanks, Ron. I really appreciate that and I know Skylar will too." He stepped forward and Ron nodded.

"Yeah, well, I'm not saying we are friends. Just that...I'm tolerating you for Skylars sake and for Miones." He stepped to the side so Draco could get to the door.

"Well, still. For the girls sake. Thanks. I know its gonna be a long road and a lot of time earning trust, but I hope we can someday call oursleves friends." He walked inside and let out a sigh in what he counted as relief.

He made his way to find Sky to tell her.

This turn of events was a good one that was sure to make the holidays that much better for everyone.

As his first real happy family Christmas, especially with Skylar, he knew Ron and him getting along was a the breath of relief he'd been waiting for.

He knew Molly was probably behind it, but he didnt care. Maybe a friendship would be born... Maybe.

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