Odd Feelings

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I woke up groaning and my head was spinning.

I felt myself gag and cough as I tried to hold back from throwing up. My stomach was on fire and my vision was blurry.

I hadn't noticed I started crying until Hermione rushed over to me. 

She was in pajamas with her hair everywhere and I guessed it was sometime during the night or early morning.

She started asking me questions like how could she help and where I was in pain and if so, could she get me anything. 

The first thing that came to my mind was Draco.

But why do I want him!?!

He was a slytherin and his house was the one that did this to me.

I grimaced and coughed again. Hermione scrambled around, getting a potion and some water. 

She helped me sit up enough to take it and my body relaxed immediately.

As my eyes slowly closed I imagined it was Draco next to me holding my hand tightly and petting my hair. Softly telling me everything would be okay and that I was just fine. 

At that moment, I realized that I craved his touch. It was gentle and warm. Unlike anything I would have thought.

He always had spoke softly to me,  even when his classmates where calling me names. 

I opened my eyes to look at Hermione and for a split second felt my heart drop when I realized it wasn't Draco.

She looked at me concerned and worried. "Do you need anything at all?" I gave her a slow nod and she perked up ready to run for anything. 

I took a deep breath not knowing exactly what I was doing, but knowing I needed to do it. "Draco."

My voice was soft and tired as I spoke, but I said it with enough force for her to know I was serious. 

She gave me a bewildered look and felt my forehead feeling for a fever. "You can't be serious? You want Draco as in Draco Malfoy?"

Her words sounded sour and she had a certain disdain to them as she spoke. Like even saying his name would make her throw up. 

I nodded again "please mione...somehow...he...I feel better...I feel safe...I can't explain it...just please...can you get him?"

I rolled onto my side and curled up, closing my eyes again not leaving room for argument. 

Hermione pulled the blanket over me and I heard her sigh "I'll go get him. I'll be back soon." I made a soft noise in response and tried to get warm, curling myself up more with the blankets almost to my head. 

After what seemed like a matter of minutes, I heard the door open and hushed voices bickering back and forth, but they stopped when they walked into the bedroom.

I felt a gentle hand on my back as he began to rub soothing circles. 

Hermione stayed by the door. "I'll leave you to tend to her then. There's another potion if she needs it and extra blankets in the closet. And keep the waist bin by her head. She tends to get nauseous with to much movement. Um teacups are by the sink. She likes mint with ginger and a little honey" 

Draco nodded and thanked her and grabbed another blanket. I opened my eyes again to look at him.

He gave me a soft smile. His hair was mussed and he was wearing a simple t-shirt with sweatpants.

I yawned which resulted in a cute noise leaving my mouth, making him smile more. 

"Get some sleep, love. I'll be right here okay." I nodded, but frowned. "Where will you sleep?"

He shrugged. "Don't worry about that okay. Just get some rest."

I just kept looking at him for a moment before pulling my covers back. He gave me an odd look then took a deep breath. 

"Are you sure?" His eyes searched mine curiously. I nodded once and rubbed my eyes, trying to stay awake just a little longer.

He slowly moved onto the bed to lay next to me. As he got comfortable, I closed my eyes, relaxing again with the extra heat beside me. 

He wraped his arms around me and that was enough for me to relax completely and fall asleep.

I could still feel him rubbing soothing circles into my back, but stopped for a second over my new scar.

I shuddered and made a soft whine. 

He made sure to stay clear of that area and just keep moving his hand gently.

He placed a kiss on the top of my head then closed his own eyes, willing himself to try and relax so he could get some sleep too.

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