Saving you saved me

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I felt somewhat sick as we headed to the train.

Not because I was worried or stressed, but I had bearly gotton any sleep last night because of what Hermione said.

It really worried me even though I knew for sure she was wrong. Draco had even confirmed that and told me he loved me.

I didn't know why it bothered me so much.

Maybe it's because we'd be spending our entire holiday break at the Wesley's and I was worried that Mrs. Weasly would say the same thing.

I frowned at the thought and stopped walking. My hand slipped from Dracos and I looked at the train as it pulled into the station.

I just stood there, caught up in my own imagination of what might happen. 

Draco looked at me frowning and definitely worried. "Ski, hey whats wrong?" He grabbed my hand again and gave it a gentle squeeze.

I shook my head, clearing my thoughts then looked at him. "Um nothing. I'm okay. Just tired. I didn't sleep very well last night. Just excited I guess." I forced a smile.

He smiled back. "Well lets get on the train and you can sleep okay." I nodded and walked with him, taking his hand in mine again.

I just hoped we could get a private room. I hated sleeping in front of people.

Draco kissed my cheek gently. "This will be great, Ski. I know you need a little time away from Hogwarts and you'll be around the people you love."

I smiled more genuinely at that and nodded.

He was right. These people did love me and I knew Mrs. Weasly would welcome us with open arms.

I sighed as I felt some of my stress melt away, following Draco onto the train. He left his hand on the small of my back as we walked back towards the rooms.

The train stopped and I felt a genlte had rubbing my back soothingly. "Ski, love wake up. We're here."

I groaned softly and just wanted cuddle into whatever was making me so warm, but nodded knowing we needed to get going.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw Draco smileing down at me.

I smiled back and slowly sat up, grabbing my bag and he grabbed his then held my hand as we walked to go meet Harry, Ginny, Hermione, and Ron.

I took a deep breath. "I know Ginny and Harry will be nice, oh and the twins of course. They just like to know I'm happy. They may tease you, but they mean well...Ron and Mione...I dont know what they'll do."

We stepped off the train and I felt a kiss on my cheek. Draco was still looking at me with that same love sick smile.

I chcukled a little "what?" He shivered slightly then spoke. "Ski, it doesn't matter what they think okay. I love you and thats all that matters. I know they still think I'm that same nasty prat, but they'll just have to find out for themselves."

I smiled a little, but crooked an eyebrow. "Found out what, Dra?" I wrapped my coat around me tighter and watched my breath as it fogged in the air.

He kissed my forhead gently. "That Saving a Ravenclaw, saved a Slytherin."

I looked up at him suprised "I-i saved you?" He nodded. "Yes. You did. Hey there they are." He pointed behind me.

I smiled excitedly and ran to hug Molly. The boys greet me as Ginny, Harry, Ron, and Hermionie join us.

When Ginny ssw Draco, she walked over and offered him her hand. "Contrary to popular belief, we don't bite."

Draco laughed a little and walked with her over to us. He took a deep breath, saying hi to John then the twins.

Molly smiled. "Draco. You've grown so much. Come here, give me a hug." She hugged him and I could tell he immediately felt better and less tence.

So did I.

I sighed in relief and smiled widly, watching hermione smile just a little, but Ron just raised an eyebrow until Ginny hit his arm and told him to be nice.

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