6 I Will Always Find You

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POV Elsa

Toothina is flying next to me and the warm, green sight is changing into snowy landscape. “Where are we going?” I ask from her and she smiles. “To North’s place of course! We need their help to defeat Pitch,” she said and touched my shoulder. “I’ll go ahead, my fairies will bring you there soon but you’re kind of heavy for them to carry,” she giggled and flew off.

“Heavy?” I gasped and pinched my arm. Her fairies don’t chat much, at least not in a way that I could understand them. The silver locket is in my hands and I’m examining it, my fingers ran on the surface and I’m humming the tune. I glance at the ring in my finger and I inhaled deeply before getting it out of my finger. Then I look on the inside for the first time, “My Moon, My Star.” I whispered as I read the text.

Tears fill my eyes suddenly and I wipe them away. “P-please hurry,” I beg of Toothiana’s fairies and they try their best to fly faster. Northern lights are flashing on the sky as we reached mountain side. There is a cozy looking cabin with smoke coming from its chimney.

The fairies let me land in front of the door and I knocked on it before entering. No one seemed to notice my arrival, there was loud intense chatting going on.

“I’m telling you! its Elsa!” Toothiana yelled and sounded frustrated. “Oi but she’s dead,” someone said with Australian accent. Slowly I walk closer to them while they’re fighting in front of huge golden world globe. There’s Toothiana with Easter Bunny, Bunnymund. Then there is North and Sandy. I’ve heard about them from Manny and I’m supposed to be their Protector. However I failed when it came to Jack Frost, the Guardian of Fun. Sandy is however someone who I knew from before, from a dream when he was in trouble.

I coughed slightly and tried to get their attention. This felt a bit awkward and embarrassing, I’m not used to be around people that much. “Excuse me?” I said aloud when they ignored me. One of them, Sandy, saw me and stared at me. Suddenly he flashed a smile to me and nodded, I waved my hand as a response.

A poor elf walked from in front of Sandy who grabbed it from it’s hat and shook it. The bell that was on elf’s hat rang loudly and they all stopped arguing and looked at Sandy. “What is it?” North looks at Sandy who pointed at me.

“Oh you arrived already!” Toothiana sounded happy and flew to hug me. I see how North’s and Bunnymund’s jaws drop. “Ummm.. hi,” I said shyly as everyone’s attention was on me.

North took steps forward, “How can it be?” He whispered and poked my shoulder as if testing if I’m real or not. “She is our Protector, the Maiden of the Moon!” Toothiana said happily and my cheeks were blushing.

Then North raised his eyebrow, “If she is then why didn’t she come to see us sooner?” He sighed, “Your husband has been bad ever since you were gone.” My husband, that still has an odd ring to it.

“I lost my memories,” I said simply and look away. “Just like Jack!” Bunnymund yelled and hopped closer to me. “You should meet him, I bet mate would fly to Moon. Literally,” Bunnymund chuckled.

Then Toothiana gasped, “Oh yes.” Bunnymund watches her. “What?” He asked.

“That’s the problem.. Pitch kind of caught Jack, we need to help him!” Toothiana yelled and everyone froze from shock.

I lift my hands up, “Everyone, calm down. It’s my job to get him back, let me handle it. I will find him and think of a way to help him.” I said and then my head felt dizzy. ‘I will always find you,’ I heard a man’s voice saying in my head. It caused my heart to flutter and my cheeks get a little red.

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