21 Drowning Darkness

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POV Jack

”I need to go… Ethan.. keep fighting against the nightmares,” I told to him as I try to get myself up. A sharp pain strikes through my body. However I’m still alive.

Ethan nodded his head and his crystal blue eyes had this fierce spark as he rushed towards couple horses. He yelled when he shot his ice powers at them, making them explode into golden dust.

I barely managed to get myself back into air. Desperately I tried to stop the bleeding with my ice powers. It made it hurt even more.

“Sandy!” I called with my voice breaking as I tried to speak. Sandy whipped one horse back to shining golden sand from the devoured looking black creature.

Sandy’s expression was concerned as he came to me. He made signals with his sand, telling me to rest.

“No Sandy. Pitch went after Elsa,” I spoke and coughed. If Sandy could speak he would be gasping now, he is shocked.

“Y-yeah… I need to get to her before the nightmares destroy her. H-how can I stop it? I can’t go into her dream like she came to m-mine,” I stuttered and barely did I manage to get the wind hold me back up.

Sandy signaled me again, I see how Thor threw is hammer in the air to knock down a nightmare creature that galloped towards us. I nodded my thanks to him while squeezing my side again. The bleeding had started again and now I felt a trail of blood rushing out from between my lips. I wipe it to my sleeve quickly.

“S-so you say that I should try to speak to her?” I gulped out. Then he told me to go into the Moon Cave.

“WIND CARRY ME!” I roared and I felt the wind blowing through my clothes. I was flying towards the place where she is, my heart crushing from worry.

I flew inside the cave immediately. The place had snow and ice covering it. It worried me, the way of how I felt her presence there but yet her being in danger. While walking forward I suddenly felt so great agony that I collapsed on the ground for a moment. My breath hitched.

I glance behind me, to see a trail of blood drops following after me. I bit my bottom lip, I have to find her. No matter what she needs to be safe. I made myself to get back up again, to continue.

When I arrived in this big wide space I look around. The moonlight is shining in from opening in the ceiling, lightening a frozen pond inside the cave.

Then I see her.

Elsa is sleeping on a snowy pedestal. She seems so calm while I look at her from distance. I was so wrong though.

She was being covered by darkness itself, the nightmare sand devouring her. Her beautiful face was sweating, her eyes moving restlessly under her eye lids.

“Els,” I whispered as I got to her. My bloody hand stained her beautiful platinum white hair that I gently brushed. She started sobbing in her sleep, saying that she was sorry all over again. A tear escapes from her eye which I gently wipe away. I notice the blackness spreading over her body. Now it reaches to her neck, starting from her feet.

I shook my head, this can’t be happening. I can’t lose her. She can’t turn into Asle or even worse, disappear like myth tells me.

“You’re safe. I’m here, come back to me. Trust on me, alright?” I sobbed silently and I coughed out the last words. I wipe my mouth to my sleeve again, to get the blood away. Then I rest my forehead against hers, repeating the words of trusting into me and trying to find me.

“Remember when I saved you on the ice? It was like the fate made it happen,” I whispered and my tears mixed onto the blood that was slowly dripping out from corner of my mouth.

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