3 Fun is Lost

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POV Jack

After getting to South Pole I let it all out. All the misery and pain, I cried and fell to ground on my knees. My world was getting fuzzy and I fall down on my side. I am panting, embracing myself. The impact made the locket open up, I hear the tone and my heart is aching more. I lift the locket up and watch it, then I look at the scripting on it and I gritted my teeth while letting go of it.

I roll to lay on my back and I wipe my tears away and then I close my eyes. I feel the wind blowing on the snowy desert, how the softness is getting around me and my body being covered by the snow. I don’t care, I wish that vanishing was this easy for real.

Jack,” I heard a voice calling me but I ignored it. It will be another nightmare, I just know it. “JAACK,” the voice sounded demanding.  Slowly I sit on the snow and look around me. There is a blizzard and a figure is approaching me. I recognize the sassy way to walk and I stood up. Slowly I walk closer to the female calling me.

Then I stopped, there she was. My Snow Angel, the one who brightens my heart and gets me through anything. My heart is beating again. Her platinum blonde hair is swaying in the wind as she walks closer and I smile, tears are running on my cheek. “Elsa?” I whisper and I hear her laughter.

Then the blizzard stopped, her dress isn’t the usual blue but black. She walks to me and when I try to touch her hand she pulls it away. I startled to her reaction and my smile fades away. She circles around me like a dark shadow from the past, now I am dreaming while being awake. “I hated you Jack for how you left me, how you abandoned me as a child. You weren’t there. You let me die and lived on,” she was whispering things to me and my eyes widened. I am panting heavily and trying to keep it together.

“You never made me laugh with my heart,” she said coldly and I bursted into tears. I fell to ground and embrace myself. Her shallow laughter stays after she vanishes, my sweet Elsa. She hated me.

I stop sobbing and stare straight forward and I sigh, slowly I start to sit and I bury my face on my hands. It must have been just a dream, nightmare.

POV 3rd person

The Winter Fairies brought the Moon Maiden to South Pole where Manny told the person being, the one in needed her help. It is a Guardian. Last time she helped out a Guardian named Sandman when black sand devoured him may decades ago. He was nice and talkative fellow on her mind.

The Moon Maiden looked around her and saw plain white area. She narrowed her eyes and she saw someone sitting in the snow. When she approached him her heart skipped a single beat which made her feel odd. She saw him yelling and how he hit his fists to snow. He seemed really hurt, no wonder Manny brought her to him.  Even though this is her first time to help someone in person she felt curious about him.

“What’s up with the cruelty Manny!” He yelled and jumped up. She startled when she saw him floating in the air and she could feel the breeze. So he is the winter spirit, she thought in her mind. She knew that there was the time when the Spirit of Winter traveled freely in the world before connecting with some man. Now she was looking at him and she jerked her head to her right.  She couldn’t help not to think off that there was something familiar in him.

She walks closer and he lands down. She gasped for air, can it be? That must be Jack Overland but his hair and eyes are different, she thought. The feeling of missing someone filled her.  How can this be? He should be dead, she thought because she traveled over hundred years in last night’s dream to meet that 17 year old young man. She closed her eyes and pictured him, then she opened up her eyes and looked at this person.

Jack Overland, it is him. His brown hair and eyes have changed color but it is him but bit older though. She is seeing him again, here, in front of her. The Spirit of Winter chose him, a man on verge of his death to be a Guardian. She knew that there was something important in him. Now she knows that she was right and she squeezes her hands into fists and lifts them on top of her chest. She inhales deeply.

She bites her lower lip as she sneaks closer to him. He is keeping his eyes closed and she goes behind of him. Her heart is beating fast when she places her hands over his eyes. “Guess who,” she whispered to his ear and he places his hand on top of her right hand. “Stop,” he said coldly.

“It’s me! The Maiden of the Moon,” she giggled but he sighed. She was now feeling bad, doesn’t he remember her anymore? “You’re not real,” he told me and my heart dropped. “B-but you told me that you would always believe in me?” I gulped. “Did I ? Well.. things change… You’re just a dream that will turn into nightmare like everything else,” he whispered sadly . The Moon Maiden felt her heart crushing when she realized that he was crying.

“Jack?” She whispered but he didn’t respond. Suddenly he turned around and walked through her. She gasped from surprise, “H-he doesn’t believe in me?” She said in panic and she run her hand through her hair. Her hand went over her mouth as she now witnessed his hair getting blacker in front of her eyes.

 Not even once he looked at her, she didn’t have the time to ask him about how he was doing after he turned 18. This however tells a lot, him being this sad. “I will help you believe in me and the Moon again,” she whispered and went in front of him. She looked his sad expression and how tired looking he was.

“I really miss you, I thought that it wouldn’t be this hard,” Jack spoke and caused the maiden’s heart ache. She noticed a ring in his left hands finger. Then she glanced at her left hand where a ring was in precisely same finger as where he held his finger. She furrowed her eyebrows and tried to touch his cheek.

In the dream he hugged her and gave her a kiss. Now she can’t even touch him, a person who grew precious to her. Many ways she thought through with how to convince him that she is real and in here right now. This meant so much to her, when Manny brought her to be the Maiden of the Moon he was the first person she ever made contact. She can’t remember herlself and her past before the time as the Maiden.

The first thing she remembers is the Moon giving her instructions and one of her jobs was to cheer up a little boy who was going to die at young age. She learnt that the boy loved having fun, the snow fights and winter but he was sad because he couldn’t live his life. He always had to be careful because of his heart, she helped him to learn what he wanted from his life. A scared boy grew into a man who held his chin up and on the last dream they shared he told her his name. Jack Overland, a man who kissed her.

Now she sees the scared boy again, coming to surface from beneath his strong appearance. She feels sorry for him and even her own self is aching. Aching because she can’t hold him when he is hurt, she was forbidden to make direct contact with him but now when she could, well, he turned his back to the Moon, to her.

“I will find a way,” she whispered and walked backwards. Before she actually left she shot an enormous snowflake to the sky and made it explode. He used to love this as a child. Jack lifted his head up and saw a snowflake appearing on the sky and exploding. Now, for a moment, he remembered the Maiden of the Moon. She did that in his sleep and he quickly turned around. He saw someone walking away with her French braid moving in the pace of her fast walking.

He kept on staring after her but then shook his head. “Now I even hallucinate,” he sighed and the figure disappeared. He tried to swallow the lumpy feeling when he sat back on the snow. He did an ice mirror and looked at his hair. The shock was outstanding when he saw his hair blackening more. There it is, his end is closing and now he has lost his interest to fight back. Nothing is fun anymore.


So, the Maiden of the  Moon experienced something similar as Jack Frost did! The memory loss and then being not believed in by someone. Awws..

Ps. I am doing okay now My Snow Storm. Don’t worry.

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