Chapter 1

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Emily's POV

It's been 3 weeks! 3 whole weeks since she's been back. Everyone already bows down to the Queen Bee. I don't. Not anymore, I'm done being her little doll.

Sometimes I wonder if she's changed or if she's still the same Queen Bitch she was before -A.

We went through hell and back for her, and she's still the same Ali she was before. Honestly, I'm tired of it, but Im still the 15 year old who was in love with her only now I'm older.

Alison's POV

I've been back for 3 weeks. I'm trying to push everyone away especially MY MERMAID. I can't afford to get close to her, if I do she'll see right through me and learn my deepest secrets, that I'm in love with her.

I think I'm going to tell her today. I'll decorate OUR spot. It'll be magical. I'm going to confess my love for her and if she still feels the same we will go on from there.

I really hope she likes me back.

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