Chapter 14

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Alison's POV

I woke up to an empty cold bed with no Emily.


"Hey babe, did you sleep okay?" She asked

"Amazing since you were right next to me."

"That's good princess,now go get ready we're about to go on our date." She said. I got up and started walking towards the master bathroom when I felt something hit my butt.

I gasped, "Emily Catherine did you just slap my butt?" I asked trying to sound serious.

"Maybe." She said with a smirk on her face. I turned around and walked into the bathroom. I showered then walked to our walk in closet to get my outfit for the day.

Once I was ready I decided to put light makeup and lightly curl my hair. When I was finished Emily walked it.

" look..beautiful." She said making me blush and cover my face with my hands to hide it. "Babe..." She said walking towards me.

"Yes?" I said still covering my face.

"Uncover that beautiful face of yours. I think it's adorable when you blush, it's nice to know I still have that affect on you." She said removing my hands from my face then kissing my nose lightly. "Now let's go" she said then let me walk infront of her only to get my butt slapped making me squeal.


"What I cant help it your just so damn sexy." She said then bit her lip. " let's go babe I have the whole day planned."

We walked to the car and Emily opened the door for me.

"After you my lady" she said smiling

" awe such a gentlewoman"

"Only for you my love" she said then pecked my lips and got into the car. "Are you ready princess?"

"Where are we going Emmy?"

"We my love are going on dates today. I'm going to spoil you."

"Dates? As in more than one?"


"Well can you at least give me a hint on where we're going?" I said pouting.

", because we're already at our first stop."

I looked and we were in front of a nail salon?

"A nail salon babe?"

"Yes my love, you are going to go in there and get your toes and nails done while a run a few errands. Call me when your done okay?"

"Okay. Bye Em i love you."

"Bye baby, I love you too" she said then pecked my lips.

Emily's POV

I just left Alison to get her nails done and now I'm heading to the park to set up an area for us. I plan on setting everything up with rose peddles and everything. We'll eat little sandwiches cut into hearts and stars. I'm going to make a trail of roses leading her to the picnic spot and candles everywhere.

I got to the park and took the picnic basket, roses, picnic blanket, and some candles. I walked to the spot near the woods but not to far in and set the red and white checkered blanket down. I set the picnic basket down then I placed down a few candles, I'll wait to light those when I leave. After that, I grabbed the bouquet of roses leaving one behind to give to her when I pick her up. I got the other eleven roses and picked the peddles off one by one leading them to the entrance. I looked over everything one more time to make sure it was perfect. All of this took about an hour and a half. My phone started ringing and it was Alison.

"Hey babe." I said into the phone while walking back to the car.

"Hey my love, I just finished do you think you could come pick me up?"

"Yeah, I'm on my way right now. I'll see you when I get there... bye i love you"

"Bye, love you too"

I drove to the nail salon and saw Alison walking out.

"Hey babe" she said as she walked in.

"Well hello my beautifully sexy girlfriend" I said making her giggle in the cutest way. "Let me see your nails and toes." She's showed them to me and they were really pretty light pink, her nails and toes matching.

"Do you like them?"

"Are you kidding babe? I love them, they're beautiful." I said then pecked her lips making her blush. "Awe babe are you blushing?"

"What? no!" She said then covered her face.

"Princess look at me." I said in a baby voice then pouted.


"Alright you left me no choice then" I said then started tickling her.

"Em!! STOPP! That tickles!"

"Uncover your face and I'll stop"


"Okay than Im going to keep tickling you" I said then tickled her tummy with one hand and her thighs with the other since those her her two most ticklish places.

"Okay! Okay!" She said then uncovered her face.

"There's that beautiful face" I said then kissed her nose making her giggle.

"Okay so... where are we going now baby?" She asked.

"Well baby if you must know we're going on part two of your special day"

"And where might that be?"

"Well you'll just have to wait to find out, won't you?"

"Fine but only because I'm in a super good mood today."

"That's good, you should always be in a good mood, you look better with a smile on your face." I said then rubbed her thigh which she loves and that's why I keep my hand there every time I'm driving. She smiled one of the cutest smiles I've seen in the past few days I've been with her.

"So babe you never told me what AE Automobiles stood for."

"Oh,right that..."

"What is it babe?"

" it.. kind of means... Alison... um... it means Alison... and Emily.." She said then blushed and deep shade of red.

"Alison and Emily?" I said then smirked.

"Yeah.. I wanted to feel closer to you in a way."

"Well don't worry babe. I think it's actually really cute."


"Of course" I said making her smile

Part two will be posted soon.. I didn't really want to add more to this one because I felt it would be to long

- Paola <3

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