Chapter 3

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Alison's POV

I just finished getting ready and setting up the kissing rock.

It was 7:55 which meant Emily would be here any minute.

I was really nervous and all these thoughts kept going through my head 'what is she doesn't like me back' 'what if she thinks I'm lying'

I was snapped out of my thoughts by em.

"Ali whats all this?" she said

"Emily I have to tell you something really important please listen"

She nodded her head indicating for me to keep talking.

"I... ithinkimightghavefeelingsforyou" I said all at once.


"I said I think I might have feelings for you"I said much slower this time.

"You think or you know? Because I'm not going to be you're little doll anymore Ali" she said

"I know Em okay? I've known since our first kiss in the library, all those kisses weren't for practice okay? I meant every single one. I know I'm in love with you. I know I love the way you bite your lip when you're nervous or the fact that when you're thinking really hard about something the little dimple above your eyebrow shows, so yes EMILY CATHERINE FIELDS I ALISON LAUREN DILAURENTES AM IN LOVE WITH YOU!" I said

She just stood there with her mouth open.

"I'm sorry if you don't feel the sa-" I was saying when suddenly I was attacked by Emily's lips smashing against mine in a slow passionate kiss.

We both pulled back slowly and rested our foreheads together.

"Wow" we both said at the same time.


"Yeah Ali?"

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes, yes, yes. A thousand times yes!" She said excitedly.

I pulled her in for another kiss.

"Let's eat babe" I told her

"Babe?" She said

"Yeah, do you like it?" I asked


In that moment I felt a little hurt I wanted to call her pet names like 'babe and baby'.

"I love it" she said and kissed me again.

We ate the sandwiches and stared at the stars, it was getting late so we both had to get home:

Emily dropped me off at my house and gave me a kiss goodbye.

I Alison Lauren Dilaurentes am head over heels in love with Emily Catherines Fields, and I couldn't be happier.

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