Chapter 20

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Alison's POV

I'm on the road again just driving. The streets are empty and it seems if I'm the only car for miles ahead and back. I should arrive shortly to my location.

'This is for Alexandria' I think in my head. It's for her and Emily. The two of them need each other. A daughter needs her mother and a mother needs her daughter. I also need my daughter and girlfriend back it's like Emily's been a whole different person since the disappearance of our daughter Alexis.

She doesn't respond when I talk to her and she doesn't eat anymore. She's underweight already and is basically depressed which is understandable because she just lost her daughter. Someone just kidnapped her only daughter. Her pride and joy.

I just hope this anonymous person is real and gives me back Alexis as soon as I give them the duffel bag filled with cash.

I pull up to an abandoned warehouse and get out the car. The first thing I notice is there are two men behind trees but they think I can't see them. I walk inside and it's was dark and empty.

I walked further in and saw a small figure laying on the ground whimpering. I recognized it as Alexis and rushed towards her to check for any injuries

"Ali" she whimpered out.

"I'm here baby" I said then noticed the bruises all on her arms and one on her face. "It's okay they won't hurt you again" she said trying to suppress Ale's whimpers

"I'm scared Ali" Aliexis sobbed out.

"I know but your okay now" Ali said to the crying child.

Ali heard footsteps behind her then she heard a deep voice say "do you have the money?" When Ali looked back she couldn't believe who it was, it was Alex, Emily's ex husband.

"Yeah it's all in the bag now let us go" she said then threw the bag to Alex. He didn't even bother to check what was in the bag which I'm glad about he just picked up the bag and walked off. I pulled out my gun and bang the trigger was pulled and Alex's now lifeless body hit the ground.

I walked out the building with Alexis in arms. The two men who were there before were now gone so I got in the car and made the journey home.

As I walked through the front door with Alexis asleep in my arms, the house was silent almost as if no one was there but I knew Emily was home she was probably just in our room.

I walked upstairs to our room and walked in and sure enough there Emily was in the same position she was in when I left.

"Em, i brought her home like I said I would" I said then she looked towards me and something snapped she ran towards me and hugged Alexis even if she was asleep

"Thank you" she said quietly as she hugged our daughter

"Babe, i would do anything for you both, y'all are my family" i said then pecked her lips

"I'm sorry" she said looking at me with tears in her eyes

"Baby you didn't do anything wrong okay?" I said then kissed her forehead.

"Get some rest my love, I'll clean Alexis up" i said to Emily, by this point Alexis was already awake and hugging Emily back.

Emily nodded but was still a little hesitant to let her go but I reassured her she would be safe.

After I cleaned up Alexis I walked back to our bedroom and saw Emily asleep. I laid Alexis down then kissed both of there foreheads before laying down right next to them.

This is another short chapter which I'm sorry for, I haven't been updating like I should be but I lost inspiration for this book but have started more that will be published soon ilu all

                                         -Paola <3

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