Chapter 12

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The next few weeks passed by slow. Em still hadn't woken up and it was hard seeing her like that. I went home to shower and ended up staying. I knew I needed to be there for Emily but I couldn't leave Ale I knew she needed me most. Em would've wanted me to take care if Ale. So I did. I stayed with Ale and made sure she was okay and safe. Every now and then I would leave her with a sitter so I could get all the anger out. Anger at one person. Alex. I would go to the warehouse and spend hours beating him. Seeing him alive made me sick, how could someone do something to hurt Emily? It made me want to kill him with my bare hands. But I couldn't. It's not what Em would've wanted so I decided to turn him in.

I turned him in anonymously and made sure he would be locked up for the rest of his life.

I was playing with Ale when I got a call from a unknown number.


"Hi is this Ms.DiLaurentes?"

"Yes this is she. May i ask who i am speaking to?"

"Oh sorry my apologies this is Dr.Monroe. I've called to tell you that Emily is awake and asking for someone named Alexandria. Do you know her?"

"Yes. I'll be right there."

"Okay. Goodbye Ms.Dilaurentes." Before I could answer he had already hung up.

"Ale we have to go. Mommy's awake!"

"Yayyy!" and with that we got in the car and drove to the hospital.

When we arrived we were shown to Emily's room and sure enough she was awake. She was still all bruised but was healing. Never the less she looked as beautiful as always.

"Hey Em." I said softly


"Mwmmy!!" Ale cheered.

"Hi beautiful. How have you been?"

"I miss you mwmmy" ale said

"I know and I've missed you too babygirl" my heart fluttered at the sound of that. Emily always called my 'babygirl' and hearing her say that brought back good memories, even if it wasn't directly at me. "Have you been good for Ali?" She asked Alexandria.

"Yes she's been a perfect little angel. Just like her mom." When I said that, I could see the slight shade of pink forming on her cheeks.


I looked back and saw a very happy Hanna. She must've got the call that Emily was awake too.

"Hey Han" Emily said.

"How are you feeling?" Hanna asked Emily.

"Honestly I feel like shit."

"oooou mwmmy said a bad word"

"Opps I'm sorry"

"Hey Alexis why don't we go see Aiden? He's in the lobby with uncle caleb." ( Alexis is another one of Alexandrias nicknames)

"Yayyy! Aiden!" Ale squealed in excitement. Then her and Hanna walked out the room.


"Yea em?"

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For taking care of Alexis and for saving me and giving me a place to stay."

"You dont have to thank me. I love that little girl as if she was my own. You did a good job with her Em, and you know I'll always protect you."

"Ali can you come here and cuddle with me? I'm cold."

"Yeah." I said then walked to her hospital bed and cuddled her.

"I missed you Ali. Why didn't you ever call or come back?" Emily said softly almost in a whisper.

"I wanted to, but I didn't. I didn't think it was safe for me to come back and I had started a life. For us. I knew eventually I would find you again so I needed to have a stable job and house so you could live with me. Believe me Em I wanted to come back. I hope you can forgive me one day."

"I already forgave you Ali. I never actually blamed you for not coming back. I just thought you moved on and didn't want anything to do with me. I thought you found someone who could give you everything and more. Someone beautiful."

"Em, look at me" I said the grabbed her chin with my index finger and thumb so she could look me in the eyes. " I didn't want that from anyone else. I want you. You are my everything. You're this incredibly beautiful and sweet person that fell in love with. I love you okay? It will always be you." I said then kissed her lightly on the lips.

"7 years and that's all I get?"I was very confused until she grabbed my face and smashed our lips together. "Thats better"

I just giggled and had a stupid grin on my face.

"Emily Catherine Fields, will you be mine?" I asked

"Yes!" She said the kissed me. "I love you Alison!"

"and I love you Emily"

Emily and Alison back together?

Hope you like it so far!

-Paola <3

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