Chapter 7

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Im going to change up the story a little I want to give it a plot so I can go off there. Also I don't proof read so if there's mistakes I'm sorry

-Paola <3

Alison's POV

I was getting dressed to go to Emily's house when I got a message.

'Leave town or else your precious mermaid will be mine' -A

I dropped everything. I can't lose Emily, she means everything to me.

I ran to Spencer's house and knocked on the door as fast as I could. My breathing was fast and jagged, I felt light headed like if i was going to puke everything I had for breakfast this morning. I could feel the cold sweat forming on my forehead.

Spencer opened the door and I immediately broke down. She pulled me inside right away.

"Ali calm down. Deep breaths in... and out." I followed her instructions and my breathing calmed. I could feel the tears on my face drying. "What happened?" she asked

"A threatened Emily" just the thought of it made me sick to my stomach.

"Oh my gosh Ali what'd that bitch say?"

"He said I had to leave town or Emily would be his"

"His?"she asked

"I think he's going to take her"

" what are you going to do?"

"The only thing I can... leave town again. I can't let Emily get hurt."

"Are you going to tell the others?"

"I have to. I have to tell Emily the reason why I'm leaving this time. It wouldn't be fair to her if I didn't."

"When are you going to leave?"

"Tomorrow night. I'll buy a bus ticket today... but first I need to go see Em and tell her what's happening."

"Okay bye Ali be safe." Spencer said while waking me out.

As soon as I left Spencer's house I drove to Emily's. I have to tell her why I'm leaving

At Emily's house

I knocked on the door and Emily answered. Right away she knew something was off.

"Hey Princess whats wrong?" She asked softly

I hugged her. She always knows when I don't feel good or am hurting.

When I hugged her I got a whiff of her sweet vanilla scent.

She took a step back and looked me in the eyes she asked me again " babe what's wrong? Talk to me." I hadn't realized I had been crying until she started wiping my tears off with her thumbs.

"I have to leave again Emily. I'm sorry"

"What are you talking about?"

"Em, A texted me and told me to leave town."

"You don't have to listen to him."

"Yes I do he threatened the most important thing to me."

"Ali who's he threaten?"

"You Em he threatened you. The only reason I'm telling is because I don't want you to think I left for no reason. I'm doing this for us. In the future I'll find you mermaid. We'll be together again I promise. You're my one in a million. Me and you WILL be together. You're mine Emily Fields and I'm yours never forget that."at this point I had tears running down my cheeks.

"B-But I don't want to lose you."

"You won't. You'll never lose me. When I get to where I'm going I'll call you."

"When are you leaving?"

"Tomorrow night."

"Stay with me till you have to leave."

"Of course. I want to be with you till I have to leave."

"I'm going to miss you princess" Emily said with puppy dog eyes and a frown.

"I know I'll miss you too babe" Ali said then kissed Emily's nose causing her to giggle.

The rest of the night the two watched movies while cuddling and exchanging kissed here and there.

Emily didn't want Ali to leave but she knew Ali was stubborn and would leave either way. She couldn't stop Ali but she knew they were meant for each other and were going to end up together in the future.

Alison hated leaving. She hated it the first time and she knew she would hate it this time. She was leaving the love of her life. She was disappointed in her past actions that caused all this drama. She just wanted to stay with the live of her life, her mermaid.

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