Chapter 9

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I froze.

Was she really talking to me like if nothing happened ? As if I hadn't cried for years because of her? but I couldn't blame her. I let her leave. I didn't stop her. So I can't blame her. All I can do is blame myself.

"Mommy" I was snapped out of my thoughts by Ale.

"Yes baby?"

"Who's this?" She asked.

"Oh this is Alison"

"But you can call me Ali"

"Mommy she has the same name as me" Alw said surprised

"Yeah baby you both have the same nickname."

Ali just laughed a little.

"Soooo..." Hanna said trying to ease the tension.

"Umm how have you been?" I asked Alison

"Good actually, I've started my own company. AE automobiles , I sell cars." Alison said with a proud smile on her face.


"Yeahhhhhhhh" Ali said dragging out the 'h' indicating she didn't really want to go into detail. "How about you ? How have you been?"

"I've been good" I said with a smile so she would believe it but I could tell she didn't. She knew me to well.

"That's good" she said choosing to ignore the topic for right now.

"Sooo... how long are you staying for?"

"Maybe a week? Depends"

"Ohh. It'd be nice to catch up."


"Mommy can I got show Aiden my toys?"

"Yeah baby lets go inside"

Alison's POV

I could tell something wasn't right. Emily doesn't seem happy. She doesn't have that spark in her eye that she's always had. Well it's still there but it's dimming.

Just as Emily was going to turn away I grabbed her wrist and she flinched.

"Em? What's wrong?


"Em I can see you shaking from here. Let me see your wrist"

"No Ali it's okay really."

"Em please?" I gave her my puppy dog eyes to try to convince her.

"Ali really it's fine"

"No it's not. Let me see your wrist" when she didn't give in I grabbed it gentler this time despite her trying to pull away.

"Ali noo don't please" she said when I was starting to roll up her sleeve

I gasped at what I saw. Bruises. Someone hurt her. Some idiot hurt my mermaid.

"Em who did this?" She couldn't even look me in the eyes. She kept her head down and didn't say a word. I grabbed her chin and made her look in my direction.

"Who did this?" I said softer so I wouldn't scare her.

"A-alex" she stuttered out 

"Has he done this before?"

She could only nod because of the tears coming down her face.

"Does he do this to Ale?"

She shook her head meaning no.

"I'm going to kill him!" I said angrily

"Ali please don't. He didn't mean to"

"Em listen to me okay? This isn't right. He hurt my mermaid and now he needs to pay."

"I know." She looked down ashamed.

"Em do you love him?"

She shook her head no. " i did love him at one point, but only as a bestfriend. He threatened you and Ale. I can't lose either of you. I won't."

"En he's never going to hurt me, you, or that beautiful little girl. okay? I'm going to make sure of it. But I need you to do something for me so I can get you out of here."


" I need you to go in there and pack a bag for you and Ale. Y'all are going to stay with me in LA."

"Ali I can't ask you to do that for us."

"You didn't ask. I offered. Emily I'm in love with you. I never stopped loving you and I never will okay? You're my one in a million remember? I love you okay?"

"Okay" she said then I kissed her on the forehead.


Emily went inside and packed everything she could for her and Ale. While she was doing that Hanna came in and Emily explained everything. Hanna couldn't help but feel sad for her bestfriend and what she had been going through for the last few years.

Emily finished packing and took her bags downstairs. Ali took the bags to the limo and called the private jet to take them to LA. Alison offered to get the limo to take Hanna and Caleb back to New York so they could pack and go to New York and meet them there.

When they arrived to LA, Ale was asking a lot of questions. All Emily told her was that they were going on vacation without Alex for a while.

Ale and Ali got along great. Ale really liked Alison and even asked if she was going to be her mommy's new girlfriend.

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