Chapter 19

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Alison's POV

So, it's been one week, one week without Alexis, one week without my happy bubbly girlfriend, one week since our world came crashing down.

Emily has been devastated since the disappearance of our daughter. She doesn't talk to anyone and she barely eats anymore. She's gone all pale and skinny which I hate, she shouldn't be feeling this type of pain, she should be happy with Alexis. That's why I'm going to go look for Alexis myself.

It's no secret that Rosewood Police is complete ass and couldn't find Alexis even if their lives depended on it.

"Em" i said to my girlfriend who was currently sitting in the middle of the bed staring at nothing in particular. When I got no response I continued because I knew she could hear me she was just to heartbroken to respond. "I'll be back, I'm gonna go handle some business" I said and walked towards her. I gave her a kiss on the forehead before I left.

In the car

I was driving around to all the hospitals and giving them a description of Alexis and asking if they've seen a little girl like her or have someone by that description checked in.

I've been driving for over two hours when I decide to stop and get a coffee.

I ordered my hot all black coffee to go

"Alison?" The cashier called

I was getting up and received a text but decided to ignore it for now until I got back to my car.

I grabbed my coffee and said thank you to the cashier. I walked out and into my car. I took the first sip of my steaming coffee as felt the black steamy liquid run down my throat it felt so nice especially since it's freezing outside.

I remembered about the message from earlier so I pulled out my cellphone and saw I had a text from an unknown number.

I clicked the message and I couldn't believe what I saw it was Alexis! My Alexis! And under was a message

Want to see your daughter again? Come to this address ALONE with 5ok cash


Whoever sent this message will soon regret it. I called my assistant and had her pull out 50k cash for personal uses. I went to my office downtown and stuffed all the money in a black duffel bag.

I went back to my car and put in the location, it was about an hour drive from where I was.

I started my journey to get my little girl back.

Around 20 minutes into the drive I started to get hungry so I pulled into a local gas station and bought a water and some snacks.

I made my way back to the car and put a little bit of gas before leaving again.

Hey guys so this is a very quick and short update because I haven't been updating and I'm sorry for that I just get busy and lazy. I'll try to update more for you guys. Tysm for 2k reads like what? You guys are AMAZING! I hope y'all have a good day.

                           -Paola <3

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