Chapter 4

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Alison's POV

Emily and I have officially been a couple for a week.

We told the girls and our parents. The girls were super happy for us and so were Emily's parents, and so was my mom. My dad on the other hand was pissed, but he warmed up to the idea.

I am on my way to visit Emily right now since she doesn't want to be alone. Her mom just left to Texas to visit her dad.


*still Alison's POV*

I just got to Emily's house.

When I knocked on the door Emily immediately answered and gave me a peck on the lips.

"Hey babe" she said

"Hey beautiful" I said and could see Emily blushing. It was the cutest thing.

"Aww is my baby blushing?" I cooed

"N-no" Emily stuttered

"Aww yes you are and it's absolutely adorable" I teased

I was going to tease Emily more when I felt her  put her hands on my waist and lean into my ear and say


So I did what I was told and Emily caught me.

We started making out so Emily carried me inside without breaking the kiss.

She sat me us on the couch, me straddling her.

She put her hands in my shirt and started moving her cold fingertips along my sides, I shivered at the touch.

She stopped and moved her hands up to my chest area.

She started rubbing and massaging my breasts.

I moaned in her mouth "mhmmm em"

She stopped what she was doing and took her hands out of my shirt.

"What the hell Emily" I yelled because I was very sexually frustrated.

"I'm sorry babe, but I want our first time to be special"

She was about to kiss me when I turned my head so she got my cheek.

"Baby look at me" she said softly

When I didn't look at her she grabbed my chin with her thumb and index finger and turned my head gently so I was facing her.

"Ali, baby I'm sorry okay?"

When I didn't say anything she spoke again.

"Princess I'm sorry" she looked at me with her puppy dog eyes I just can't say no to.

"Stop doing that" I finally said

"Doing what" she asked even though she knew what she was doing.

"That" I said pointing to her eyes and pouted lip.


"You know those eyes and that lip" I said

"These lips" she asked as she leaned to kiss me gently.

She pulled away .

"Baby Im sorry okay? I just want our first time to be special." She said

"I know and I'm sorry too"

"For what? You did nothing wrong princess"

"For not wanting to wait"

"Hey don't apologize okay? I was wrong for teasing you like that"

"Umm Em?"

"Yeah babe"

"When is little Em going to leave?" I asked

She looked down then blushed a little

"Oh sorry it'll go down in a little bit" she said.

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