Chapter 22

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A few months have passed and slowly things started to feel normal again. Alexis was starting school today and Emily was going shopping for a big surprise.

"Alexis hurry up, don't want to be late on your first day" Emily shouted from downstairs to her daughter who was currently upstairs.

"Coming mommy" Alexis shouted back. Emily heard the little steps of her four year old descending down the stairs.

"There's my baby" Emily said admiring the mini version of herself.

"Where's Mama?" Alexis asked looking around curiously for Alison. Recently Alison had adopted Alexis, the two realized life was to short and they should just live in the moment.

"I'm right here princess" Alison told her daughter before Emily could answer.

"Are you ready for your first day?" Alison asked her daughter.

"I'm excited" Alexis told both of her parents.

The three set off into their car and made their way to drop Alexis off for school.

"Bye mama,mommy" Alexis said then hugged and gave each one a kiss on the cheek."

"Bye" the two replied in unison and watched as their daughter disappeared into the school.


"We should invite the girls over" Alison told Emily randomly.

"That's a good idea, i will text the groupchat"


EM: PArty at Ours, Bring booze!!!

HANNA BANANA: WOHOO EM!! See you have finally got that stick out ALI'S ass and have convinced her to let us throw a party at yours!!!!! ;)


"really babe?" Ali questioned with an eye roll.


EM: Ali said 'NO PARTY!!!' :( sorry hanna banana maybe next time.

SPENCE: YOU do realize you have a kid right?

HANNA BANANA: BOO!! Ali is no fun :( . wait who has kids?



ARIA: sometimes i wonder how you even graduated *eye roll*

HANNA BANANA: easy!! I copied spencer duh


*HANNA has left group chat*


"They said they'd be here" Emily told Alison.

The two drove to their house and met the girls who had decided to come early.

"Babe can you all come to the living room please?" Alison called to her girlfriend and friends. The four came into the living room and sat, patiently waiting for what Ali had to say.

"So what I'm about to tell you all, you have to promise not to tell Alexis" Alison told them, she heard three of them say promise "that means you to babe" she gave her girlfriend a knowing look

"Fine" Emily murmured.

"Well, I'm PREGNANT!" She squealed. Everyone looked shocked and Emily had the most adorable smile on her face. She hugged Alison and picked her up. "Babe! Put me down"

Emily put Alison down and dropped down to her knees, she kissed Alisons belly. "Hi baby" she whispered


"You're gonna be a big sister!" Alison told Alexis

"Im going to be a big sister?!" Alexis squealed, she was so excited.



I wanted to end the story on a happy note. Thank you to everyone who has read this story! I am writing new ones but I was just getting a little uninspired on this one and decided to end again THANK YOU SO MUCH I LOVE YOU ALL!!

                                                -Paola <3

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