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"Ethan! Elizabeth!" Alison yelled, the twins had both somehow gotten gum stuck in there hair

"It was Lizzie mommy" Ethan pointed to his twin sister

"Nuh uh" Elizabeth shook her head and wagged her finger.

"It doesn't matter who it was your both in trouble" Alison said sternly to the two "now please go wake up your big sister" the twins ran to go wake up Alexis.

"Good morning beautiful" Alison felt muscly arms wrap around her that she knew were her wife's.

"Good morning my love" Alison said then turned around in Emily's arms. She pecked her wife's lips and was met with multiple ew's from her kids.

Emily purposefully gave her another kiss, but this one was sloppy. With this she received more ews and a string of giggles.

Emily stuck her tongue out at her children. Children, she had more than one, she had three. If you would've asked her a few years ago she would tell you she'd have a wife and kids, which was true but it was also so much better. She got to watch her kids grow up and find themselves.

"Ready for school?" Emily asked Alexis, it was her first day of her last year. That's right, Alexis was in fifth grade, which also meant the twins were in second grade, and to tell you they were excited was an understatement.

"Mommy let's go" Lizzie whined. She was the most excited of the three.

"Hold on baby I'm almost done packing lunches" Alison said as she finished cutting the crust off Ethans sandwich, he claimed it tasted better that way.


As the family of five walked out their house they heard barking from the backyard.

"Ahhh yes, how could we ever forget about you Bingo" Emily called as she remembered how excited the six month old puppy was for the first day of school too. When they opened the car door, Bingo was the first to hop in. It wasn't an unusual thing for Bingo to go places with them. He loved the car and they loved having him with them.


"Bye mommy bye mamma" Ethan waved goodbye to the two.

"What are we going do for the rest of the day?" Alison asked Emily

"We should get the gang together it's been a while since we hung out" Emily said to which Alison agreed. It had been a little over three weeks since everyone had been together. Emily texted their group chat and waited as one by one they each replied.

"Alright, everyone agreed." Emily told Alison as they drove back home.


"I miss those days" Aria reminisced as they each told stories on their high school years together, before marriage and kids.

"Yeah me too but remember when Ali left us all?" Hanna added making everyone quiet and a little uncomfortable. "But you eventually came back" she added.

"Yeah that's was a mistake" Alison said, Emily nodding her head in agreement.

" Oh my gosh we should all right what we thought about the day she came back!" Hanna cheered the others agreeing.


"Em it's your turn to read now" Alison told her wife as she was the last one to go.

"Well when I first saw you were back I thought 'It's been 3 weeks! 3 weeks since she's been back...." Emily told the story of what she felt and thought, the other girls listening to each and every word she said.

AND ITS DONE!! The book has sadly come to an end but I had fun writing and hope to publish other books for you all to read in the future again thanks for reading.

Extra: if you were wondering why I chose the names for the twins to be Elizabeth and Ethan it's because I love Legacies so Lizzie is Elizabeth and I wanted a name that would start with an E for the boy too so I chose Ethan. I chose Alexandria because that's I name I'd like to name one of my kids plus I love long names that have nicknames. Again THANK YOU FOR READING SORRY THIS WAS KIND OF SHORT LIKE I SAID I WAS UNINSPIRED AND THIS STORY WASNT REALLY GOING ANYWHERE.

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