Chapter 11

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This chapter switches between 1st person POV and 3rd person POV.

-Paola <3

Things weren't looking so good for Emily. She had been stabbed at least twice and beaten by Alex. She had blood spilling out her side and a few drops coming out her mouth. She had bruises all over and was starting to lose consciousness.

"Wake up bitch" Emily heard that husk voice that put her in the pain she was in now.

"Please don't hurt me anymore" she pleaded

"Don't you get it? You're mine. I can do what I want with you. Alison isn't here to save you is she? She doesn't care about you. If she cared she would be here right now. She doesn't love you. She never did. That's why she never came back for you."

"Shut up! You don't know her! You don't know what she's been through! You don't know who she is!"

"Oh but I do. She's the girl who 'died'. The girl who played you. She's the same girl who broke your heart multiple times. She's the same girl who left and never came back."

"Shut up!" I said crying. Crying because he was right. She was those things, but she was also the same girl who loved me. The same girl who left to protect me and the same girl who I'm in love with.

"Oh Emily, when will you get it through your head that she doesn't feel the same way about you. You're like a lost puppy following her around. PATHETIC."

At this point I was crying my eyes out. Crying because he was right. I was a lost puppy but I just needed Ali to find me. Crying because I missed her. Crying because I knew I would probably never get out of here alive.

Alison's POV

We were driving as fast as we could. Who knew what Alex was capable of. He could've killed her already.

"Can't you drive any faster?" I asked Caleb

"I'm going as fast as I can."

"We'll go faster!"

"Ali calm down we're going to find her" Hanna said trying to calm me down.

"Were here" Caleb said as he pulled in.

I didn't even give Caleb a chance to park before I jumped out the car and silently but swiftly walked in the house.Right when I walked in I heard Emily screaming, but she wasn't screaming in pain. She was screaming 'shut up'?

I moved towards Emily's screams and heard who I'm guessing was Alex talking to her.

"Oh Emily, when will you get it through your head that she doesn't feel the same way about you. You're like a lost puppy following her around. PATHETIC." Alex said to Emily.

I couldn't bare to hear Emily crying so i moved just close enough where I could see them and I saw Emily bleeding from both her sides and mouth.

Alex turned around and that's when I decided to signal my security to attack. Aaron my main head of security ran in and tackled Alex to the ground. While Aaron did that I ran towards Emily. Her arms were tied up and she was about to pass out.

"Ali?" She said in a raspy voice

"Yeah it's me, and I'm going to get you out of here okay?" But it was to late she had passed out from bleeding Im guessing.

Finally, I got the ropes undone and was able to pick up Emily and carry her out.

"Boss what do you want us to do with him?"

"Take him to the factory and tie him up, I need to talk to him"

"Yes ma'am"

I walked out as fast as I could while carrying Emily.

"Oh my gosh Em!" Hanna yelled

"Hanna get in. We have to get to the hospital." I told Hanna. "Caleb I need you to drive as fast as you can."

Caleb drove as fast as he could and even passed a couple of red lights on the way.

"Come on Em, I cant lose you again. I need you. Alexandria needs you! Please Em!" I whispered to her while running my fingers through her hair while Emily's head was on her lap.

"We're here!" Caleb time Alison

Alison wasted no time to get out and rush to the front.

"Please help! She needs help!"

"Right this way ma'am" a doctor directed Alison to put Emily on a hospital bed. "Now what happened?"

"Her husband did this. He hurt her!"Alison yelled.

"Calm down miss it's okay." The doctor said trying to calm Alison down.

3 hours later

It's been three hours and I have zero news on Emily. The doctors aren't telling me anything.

"Hi can you give me an update on Emily?"

"what's your relation to the patient?"

"That's her wife" hanna blurted out before I could answer.

"Well she just got out of surgery- "

"Can I see her?" I cut the nurse off before she could finish her sentence.

"yes, but it could only be one visitor at a time. Oh and I'm sorry to say this but your wife is in a comma and doctors aren't sure when she'll wake up. It could be weeks, days, or even months."

"Okay. Thank you." I said and walked away

"Go. Go see her" Hanna said

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Now go."

I walked into Emily's room and couldn't stand to see her like that. She was hooked up to all these different machines and looked so weak and pale. That's wasn't the Emily I knew. The Emily I knew was strong, tough, and brave.

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