Chapter 5

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Alison's POV

*2 months later*

I've never been so happy before. Emily completes me. She makes me so happy.

I want to do something special for her since she's been so amazing. I was thinking dinner for two then we'll watch movies and cuddle.

I'm going to order her favorite pizza.

I texted Emily asking if she wanted to come over.

Me: hey babe you want to come over later?

Em💍💘: hey princess, i would love to come over later.

Me: great. See you at 7?

Em💍💘: see you then love.

Ughhh this girl is going to be the death of me she's so cute with all the nicknames.

I decided to start getting ready now since it's 6:00. I decided on wearing something comfy and warm.

It was now 6:30 and I had just finished ordering the pizza. I set everything up for Em and I. We were going to eat pizza while cuddling and watching movies. The perfect date.

It was now 6:55 Em should be getting her soon.

Sure enough the doorbell rang indicating someone was here and I was positive it was Emily.

When I opened the door I was met with a very gorgeous girl I get to call mine.

"Hey gorgeous " she said the pecked my lips right after.

"Hey" I said back with a lot of enthusiasm since I finally got to see her after like 2 days.

She picked me up bridal style and carries to the couch and started attacking me with kisses all over my face.

"Emmm" I whined

"Yes love?" She asked

"Stop it" I said in a joking manner.

"Stop what?"

"Stop kissing me" I pouted.

" I can't kiss my amazingly beautiful girlfriend anymore?" She said while kissing me again.

I didn't reply because the doorbell rang indicating someone got here. Most likely the delivery man.

I got the pizza and took it to where Emily was. As soon as she saw the pizza box her eyes lit up.

*2 hours later*

Em and I were currently snuggled up on the couch watching so romantic comedy that Hanna would've probably loved.

I could feel Em's breathing even out indicating she fell asleep. I decided I was going to wake her up so she wouldn't wake up with her back or neck hurting from sleeping on the couch.

"Em baby, lets go upstairs so you can sleep" I said softly while shaking her a little.

She groaned a little but still got up. We got to my room and laid down me snuggling into her side and her wrapping her arms around me. This is my favorite place in her arms. I feel like she's protecting me from the world and it's only me and her. She makes me feel safe.

I eventually fell asleep while listening to Emily's heartbeat.

Authors note: hey guys I don't know if y'all want me to continue or not. If y'all do give me some ideas. If y'all don't I understand and I'll start another book with a different plot to it. Love you.

-Paola <3

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